" Salute Sir, I am writting you this complaint that you didn't ignored my previous complaint. We need even more of such a supersoldiers as is Lith in our army. Yes, he has no bond nor any emotion, but that means that he will not fall from fear nor because of not sacrifice some soldiers if a mission will need it. Please, Sir, do not ignore THIS my complaint! With the best wishes, ... "
Moment, if Solus is considered cursed, maybe she is a woman in her true form which was cursed to become magic tower's stone core. How to inspire the author with this thought?
I just bought year membership because of this novel. Nice!:)
Fun chapter: Solus finds a way how to temporarily possess a girl and started teasing Lith ;)
Can it be planted and grow for the tower?
He should magic-killed the biggest animal in the forest to tech the hunter woman a lesson!;)
NPC farmer - 20th level fighter. Personality: Open and assasin-like And crazy. Background and an offer of a quest: This chapter and following...
Supreme Magus
Fantasy · Legion20