editting error, to simply explain to you Griseo and Astrae is neutral spirit which already exist 30 year ago after spirit of origin birth. but the neutral spirit dissappear mysteriously 5 years after. The people know neutral spirit from the stories their parents tell their children. Some are also witness of neutral spirit. Thanks for info in this error
Okay changed for chapter 2, chapter 1 not fixing it cus takes a while to do espeically already with image
Thanks for the info i'll have it change in editted version starting from chapter 2 :D
Is it better for the char name then?
(imagine all the head ornament from Griseo Cosmic Expression is there)
The car drives up to the grand mansion and pauses at the entrance. Griseo and Astrae are amazed; it's their first time seeing such a large mansion. The butler steps out to open the car door, allowing both of them to exit, with Miku following closely behind.
Anime & Comics · ShizuoMurasaki
Soon, walls begin to appear on the left side of the road, and massive buildings can be seen behind them. The car approaches the front gate, where the driver shows his ID to the security guard. The guard peeks into the car and sees all of us, and Miku waves and nods, signaling to the guard that Griseo and Astrae are her guests. The security gives a thumbs up to the security guard in the post before the gate in front of the car opens up. After the gate opens, the car enters the mansion's perimeter, and the gate closes behind it.
Anime & Comics · ShizuoMurasaki
I wont, the book i'll get atleast one chapter in every month if i have more time it might get another chapter. I mostly will update the other book i have.
Alpha then grabs the cover before pulling it off the vehicle under it, she sees a motorcycle mentioned on the note. She immediately grows attached to the motorcycle before getting on it.
Video Games · ShizuoMurasaki
Its true what you said, its just editting error. I just fixed it btw
Reicarnated as Griseo Remastered
Anime & Comics · ShizuoMurasaki