isn't she like, batshit insane and a super yandere, those traits don't mesh well with being a harem member.
that's some code vein type shit right there, love it
A pair of shorts that went down to just above mid-thigh, a belly shirt that was more of a wrap than a shirt that covered her modest mounds, and a coat that went down to her waist. All of which were mixed with glasinthia and pixie ore. A perfect armor. She could form it into any shape she pleased because she transmuted the ore into the hide she used to make her clothing. This also got rid of any funky smell they had. She could also use it as a weapon in times of need since she could make spikes come out of it as well or even turn the sleeves into blades.
Anime & Comics · invayne
isn't she 6.3 as of the last mention of height
For a moment, Kara hesitated, staring at Clark in awe. He had grown taller than her 6'2" (1.9 meters) and had become a formidable opponent.
Anime & Comics · Jose_Figuer
for fucks sake just kill joker and stop with the forced plot, you've made her way too strong to not easily be able to end this loser, joker is a fucking joke of a villain superman hands him his ass any day in the comics and dcu
this is so fucking stupid, an unnecessary nerf for no reason, joker tried this with superman, superman disarmed all the bombs in milliseconds in superspeed and threatened to throw the joker off the roof
But Joker merely laughed, his maniacal glee echoing in the room. Kara realized she had no choice but to play along for now. However, she vowed silently to find a way to outsmart him—and protect the people she cared about.
Anime & Comics · Jose_Figuer
what, no systema?
Capoeira, Brazilian Jiu Jutsu, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Karate, Kendo, Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Hap ki do, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Boxing. Kickboxing, Aikido, Kyudo, Sumo and Fencing, HEMA is also included here. I train them all, obviously.
Anime & Comics · Nepge
will she always be a blank/bland robot with the emotional spectrum of a Plank or?
My smile fell into my regular doll-like expression after that.
Anime & Comics · Nepge
"Dan-san, we look forward to working with you," Shin said with a smile.
Anime & Comics · DragonnX
Shin felt a surge of excitement. He had a Golden Finger!
Anime & Comics · DragonnX
Sam and deans reaction to the literal devil would be quite amusing
Travels of the Daughter of God
Movies · ArtoriaPendragon_