don't tell me the sun is the golden crow gu?
"It's daytime," a hoarse voice interjects as Hu Long glances at the woman using the Monkey Mask Gu.
Book&Literature · FanHarem
smart 👍
A smile appeared on Dylan's face. This was excellent; not only did he obtain Necrozma, but it also meant he could get Lunala for free!
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
maybe if you take into account the magic defense? maybe?
[Skills]: Fireball Level 1; Deal 10 points of damage to target + 100% of user spirit to target; consumes 10 mana; 3-second cooldown.
Fantasy · ChampionDog
lord of mysteries: my identity echoes across times another book of the author, though I'm not sure if that is the exact title
seer, not the hermit it is already in other story
no, lynn already in this
The Hermit Pathway: This is similar to the Hunter pathway, but here the MC would be more scholarly and cautious, He would basically become a tutor to the Tarot club. This pathway might extend into the second book where he would ascend and become a god.
Book&Literature · IHaveNoNamingSense
wow 😲😲
Duke Negan Mansion, Empress Boroug, Backlund, Loen Kingdom.
Book&Literature · IHaveNoNamingSense
celestial worthy of heaven I think?
I even dreamt about using CW as chum bait...
Book&Literature · Old_puppy
you can do it三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
*When I realized I had to invent the potion and acting method for the monster pathway myself, and even the abilities of high sequences, I was at a loss.*
Anime & Comics · Jeremiaj_Lloyd
no extra chaps for new year🥲
Tower of God: Sequence Strength
Others · Yesnth