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1 years ago

Naruto has a Kakashi doll, but little does he know: Kakashi with Sharingan stole his shadow clone.


To execute this method smoothly, you must first be aware of an approaching attack before summoning a log from the storage scroll. Yes, you must carry a log or something similar in your storage scroll, then transform the log and flicker away under the cover of smoke.

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Anime & Comics · Fleeting_dreams

1 years ago

Use it for what? Neji died to cover Hinata with his body. Kawarimi doesn't work well against AOE attacks.


"Poor Neji, cursing Kishimoto for not letting him use this jutsu."

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Anime & Comics · Fleeting_dreams

1 years ago

Even the Akatsuki use it. Naruto with his clones is the worst offender.

And that was confirmed correct when the Author realised how broken this jutsu was. The use of this jutsu became nearly non-existent in the later half of the series.

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Anime & Comics · Fleeting_dreams

1 years ago

It's simple, really. Physical attacks cost 1 chakra (stamina) and take 1 time unit. Avoiding them costs 1 chakra and 1 time unit. Kawarimi costs, let's be generous, 10 chakra and 5 time units. Now run a battle in your head and see what happens to anyone who spams Kawarimi. And I'm being generous here, a space time ninjutsu should cost much more than 10 normal attacks.

And that was merely an E rank ninjutsu; consider how any ninja could simply spam this technique and evade any lethal assaults, rendering them meaningless.

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Anime & Comics · Fleeting_dreams

1 years ago

Sasuke's technique is instantaneous and impossible to resist. Kawarimi takes time to prepare, can be sensed and resisted.

The only explanation we received was that "the user of this jutsu can swap places with any nearby object, primarily a log." But, if that's true, doesn't it make this jutsu a space time technique? After all, it was very similar to Sasuke's rinne-sharinngan ability.

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Anime & Comics · Fleeting_dreams

1 years ago

Crushing or cutting the rope seems easier.


Although the technique is simple, it is quite painful to execute. You must dislocate your joints and twist your body in order to free yourself from the bonds. You can unbind yourself by channeling your chakra into the rope and moving it, it was a more controlled approach that required more precise chakra control.

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Anime & Comics · Fleeting_dreams

1 years ago

In a world where even pure chakra can cut, this restriction is weird.

"Just because I transform into a massive rock doesn't mean I'll be as tough as one." Similarly, transforming a wooden stick into a sword will not provide it with a genuine edge."

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Anime & Comics · Fleeting_dreams

1 years ago

Chakra has a special dimension inside it that can store energy and things. To transform into a smaller animal, you can just seal yourself inside a cloud of your own chakra and make it look like the target.


"While I can't squeeze my body into the shape of a small animal, a clone wouldn't be affected because it's essentially made of chakra." In principle, it has the ability to turn into anything."

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Anime & Comics · Fleeting_dreams

1 years ago
Replied to That_Guynate

They are only useless against those who have decades of practice with them. If you skip the training, any genin can kill you.

Watching the likes of Itachi and Kakashi, who could accurately hit multiple targets with just a flick of their wrists, whether the targets were still or moving, had left a deep impression on him. They made it seem effortless, like a simple task even in the most challenging situations.

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Naruto: The Chain Demon

Anime & Comics · Fleeting_dreams

1 years ago
Replied to Mr_Cuak

This thing says the jutsu requires superior sensory capabilities, not grants them. Doesn't say anything about the Uzumaki either. Other sensors can notice when Karin uses it, so it likely requires kneading chakra and isn't an innate ability.
