female...i mean
In training, Elliot began to stand out. He was no longer just another recruit; every time he faced a challenge, he exceeded expectations. He didn't understand why. Perhaps it was the survival instinct, the desire to avoid a fate worse than death, or maybe there was something else inside him that he still couldn't understand. Whatever it was, his performance caught everyone's attention, especially Lieutenant Stroud, who soon named him her "star child."
Video Games · elnikinxd
Anya stroud?
Daily update? And tfc....happy soon merry xmas
Anyway, it's likely that on the 25th I'll upload some chapters of the reboot and now I do think it's worth it. In the meantime, they will be uploaded to my patreon and there you can also see all the information I'm publishing.
Video Games · elnikinxd
8/10 tfc and good smut
tfc and the smut? meh but it's ok the story is entertaining
tfc and Rocky training music please
and bless to you
Starting Today I'll Work As A City Lord
Anime & Comics · GreenBlue17