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2022-04-20 加入 Global
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2 days ago

This doesn't even make any sense. They weren't the avengers's allies to begin with. They were tricked by hydra into joining up, but they never once allied with the avengers at this point. They haven't even met each other yet I think.

With the data secured, the Avengers regrouped, their mission now clearer than ever. The Maximoffs were no longer allies—they were a threat. And stopping them would be no small task.

Silver Phantom (MCU)

Silver Phantom (MCU)

Anime & Comics · Taidanotsumi

2 days ago

This seems to be more of a wish fulfillment fic than an actual serious fic.

Before long, news of his first poker game came in. Dressed to the nines, Link drove to the location in his new car.

Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Anime & Comics · Rookie99

2 days ago

"No construction happens here after dark" and "So we completed it in a single night" in the same sentence is... yeah.

"Overnight. No construction happens here after dark, so we completed it in a single night," Coulson replied with a smile. "You should visit the division office and pick up some weapons. Safety is paramount. By the way, we've also replaced your door—it's now bulletproof and explosion-resistant."

Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Anime & Comics · Rookie99

2 days ago

Level 6 makes no sense unless they're fast tracking him for something. They would have likely copied the document on the target and culled the parts that he wouldn't need nor be allow to see with blackout. His greatest feats so far are dropping like 40 guys in one fight showing his marksmanship, and being good at gambling.

"Since gathering intel requires you to have in-depth knowledge, the director has specially authorized you to become a Level 6 agent, granting you access to some classified files, including information on 084."

Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Anime & Comics · Rookie99

2 days ago

I get Stark and Hammer cause Stark is a party animal rn and Hammer is his "Rival", but Fisk is more likely to be doing actual work and philanthropy to cover up his mob boss business and Alexandra Reid is one of the five leaders of The Hand who are K'un-Lun martial artists that got banished for heresy. Fisk is a stretch cause he could be there to network, but Alexandra is not very likely to be there at all. Should have made some throwaway characters.

"Mr. Link, allow me to introduce you to Wilson Fisk and Madame Alexandra Reid."

Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Anime & Comics · Rookie99

24 days ago

Didn't even realize this was a cambrian fic, I was just reading it cause it was an elden ring fanfic. Loved the story more than the "plot" surprisingly. Loved the little comedic bits where the tarnished does something bizarre, Loved when a plan or setup that has been coming for multiple chapters just clicks and makes you go "ohhhh, so that's why", Loved the little heartwarming interactions here and there, and I loved how the relationships progressed. 10/10 would read again.

25 days ago

The Concept is that someone got reincarnated as a HSR Character and they're spec'ing their character to be a healer to be a popular pick for his utility in keeping his team alive. Its good, it just might be killed in the crib so to speak. It hasn't received an update in quite a while. Rating it at 3 stars since there isn't much content to give a fair review with.

26 days ago

Guys I think the author might have dropped it lol. its been years since the last upload.

-A/N: Finally another chapter and it's a full length one this time. Once again sorry for the slow updates but I'm happy to see so many of you are so understanding and enjoy the story so much. I will most definitely NOT be dropping this story. I love it far to much to do that and have enough experiences with stories I love getting dropped to do that to you all but you'll have to put up with the slow updates for a while still. Other than that, enjoy the chapter and please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes I may have made. I wrote it over several days as I didn't have enough time to do it in one go and could only skim over it for mistakes after I finished.

Hammer of Hephaestus

Hammer of Hephaestus

Anime & Comics · ManSlayer1009

29 days ago



[Insert Image of Zebediah Kilgrave Here]

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

29 days ago
Replied to Shinai_Sunset

Like the Mc doom, not canon doom.

(A/N: Yeah, that actually happened on the comics. Sinister is that horrible)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever