I don't do harems! I don't do Polygamy! Gah, this is frustrating!
Anime & Comics · NeverluckySMILE
That and I'm a dimensional anomaly that trivializes his concept of power by being able to become the most powerful man alive in a few in game months with enough EXP by virtue of breaking the rules of the setting by adhering to a game system devised for an apocalyptic wasteland.
Anime & Comics · NeverluckySMILE
the kunai be like :
Strength Check Failed: 5/7.
Anime & Comics · NeverluckySMILE
Oh, cool. I get to play video games for my afterlife! I consider this a blessing. Because I love RPG's and I'm sure I would've gotten bored eventually of this pleasantly warm-liquid- abyss thing. Eventually. It was really comfortable though.
Anime & Comics · NeverluckySMILE
Reward: Defstroke's combat experience and character knowledge.]
Anime & Comics · SpaceMate
To think that someone would prefer strawberry over his favorite ice cream flavor Chocolate !!
Anime & Comics · prof_Nuclear
Reward: Defstroke's combat experience and character knowledge.]
Anime & Comics · SpaceMate
"If you use your fire side I'll make you cold soba with my quirk" I said out of nowhere. To my surprise Todoroki stopped momentarily and a flame of fire emerged from the left side of her "Really!? That's how it works?!" I asked incredulously before bursting out laughing.
Izumi Miyamura: Xover
Anime & Comics · Camellya_Addams