
male LV 14
2022-01-12 加入 Germany
徽章 9

Moments 6
1 years ago

like the book, the Autor uses 'standard' ideas to write a good story with a nice world background.

1 years ago

Brother* I guess.

"First, Norbert," Mathew said, turning his eyes towards Carol's sister who silently followed them ever since the event on the lower floor. "I need you to take Carol west of the ruins to help her test her new abilities," he announced only to turn his eyes towards his second wives. "I want the two of you to kidnap a few zombies and hold them at bay within the barrier," the young man said only to turn his eyes towards Norbert.

Leveling Up Wives In The Apocalypse

Leveling Up Wives In The Apocalypse

Fantasy · MotivatedSloth

1 years ago

yo this book was the greatest surprise for me. I was looking around for sth new to read and found this. Read it in a day and now I'm looking forward to every new chapter. love it. keep up the good work.

1 years ago

Well I just don't know what to say. I kinda like it but it's rly trash the more I think about it. U can't really get to know the characters because most of the interactions are either to short or strange. Als every goal the MC has is just weird because we read 5 chapters about the goal and the it just doesn't matter anymore and we look for the next goal. Plus there are some minor logic errors, like the MC says he liked to cook and the ppl around him liked to eat his cooking and than 50 chapters later we get told he was a bad cook anyway. That was after he worked as a cook for about 3 Chapters. I'm gonna continue reading anyway, but always when my hype for this book picks up because I like the MCs goals, they just vanish again and I don't know how long I'm going to accept that.

2 years ago

I would say this is one of the best independent what novels I've read. It has a really nice world and main characters and I really want to know how it's going to continue. The only thing that I don't like, is the time for updates, but it's understandable. Please update this novel at least once a month. That would be nice thank you.

2 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola