Keren loh ceritanya, aku gak pernah terpikirkan ide tentang jelly yang ngebuat sakit gitu. Good job author, aku harap tetap update terus dan cepat dapat kontrak!
Aku suka cerita awalnya yang ngebuat karakter utamanya jadi lebih kuat, terus penulisannya juga bagus, untuk kata pertaman pakai huruf kapital semua di awal paragraf mungkin ciri khas dari penulis kali ya, tapi secara keseluruhan ini sangat bagus. Semangat!
I read your two chapters, I think they are quite interesting and have the potential to be a good story. taoi if I may comment, your writing still has some errors, I hope that in the future it can be improved again
Good story, I really like the length of your story makes me satisfied in reading. the characters and plots that you present also make me curious
Very interesting story if i'm still a bit confused with some of the characters but overall it kept me interested. the plot you find is very unique to me. author spirit!
The main character looks very sad but made me interested in the development of the character. Overall I think it's good but there are still things that can be improved in the future
after I read a few chapters, I really like the main character of your story. the plot that you present is also interesting and makes me curious. great story, keep it up!
I like how you started your story, with a curious question. I think the characters and plot that you present are very interesting, it makes me addicted to continue reading your story
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Kayaknya ceritanya berkiblat ke daerah India gitu ya, jadi bagi yang suka India sih keknya bakal suka sama cerita ini. Alurnya bakal menarik sih. Semoga terus lanjut ya
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Urban · Karisma_5815