I'm sorry for your loss. Hope you're doing alright. And I hope your brother is in a better place :))
I am nothing but a disgrace to life…]
Anime & Comics · Milk_Is_My_Drug
Being humble comes like a second nature to some of us..
"Hahaha, of course, it's incredible. Did you expect anything less from this generational genius?" I said while rubbing my upper lips.
Anime & Comics · Emmanuel_Capricorn
Abu... Bakaa..
"He did, he died like a dog," I said, quoting meme man.
Anime & Comics · Emmanuel_Capricorn
I'm genuinely enjoying the fic so far. The concept of not just isakai'ing as Mordred but having the servant as an Ignition weapon is new and awesome to me. It's been a while since I read Tower of God but I genuinely believe Mordred could defeat rankers and hold her own against them. But then again, it's just my opinion. Thank you for your awesome work, author-san!! Looking forward to more.
If Mirko was more bunny and less human..
Bro is confused, he wanted give despair but disappeared just as fast as he came. ..
Maybe, just maybe, this was the death he truly wanted.
Anime & Comics · QuackVader
It's never too late to change the name to 'Amen'
I know, I fucked myself up on that one. Maybe I should change it…
TV · Giver_Of_Crabs_165
I hate short chapters, but you always compensate em with quality. Good to see you back with a new chap!
A/N: I've deleted the last two chapters (the interlude ones). big time jump on this one, also the chapters in the future might be shorter.
TV · Giver_Of_Crabs_165
One of the best Akame ga kill fics and with one of the dopest characters from one punch man!! Thank you for the chapters Author-San!
Akame Ga Kill - Garou
Anime & Comics · Milk_Is_My_Drug