

LV 4
2021-12-21 加入 United Kingdom
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Moments 21
1 years ago
Replied to dankoku

never give up…

What makes a man? It was the heart of never giving up.

I Became The Mafia Boss Inside The Novel

I Became The Mafia Boss Inside The Novel

Fantasy · Deathilim_609

1 years ago
Replied to NoSwallow

When on Earth did I say that I wasn’t full of hate? Was it when I described what happens to a person when they are filled with hate, or was it when I explained what happens when someone deals with that in an unhealthy way. If you swallowed your pride for just two seconds and paid attention to what I wrote. I have lived with hate, I’ve lived with pain, I’ve lived close to death. I know how it feels to be hurt, and to be alone. But I also know that crying is one of the healthiest ways to cope with all that pain. Say what you want about me being a ‘Disney Person’ but really… No such person exists. Existence is suffering. Everyone suffers, it isn’t just you. Acknowledging that things will never get better if you dwell on hate, is not exactly a complicated concept. Please take some time to really think about it. I’m sorry to have upset you enough that you felt the need to write that reply. I hope things get better for you. -NS

1 years ago

Jesus Christ, everyone reading this and complaining that they are disappointed needs a lot of help. This is one of the most realistic and emotional chapters I have read in a long while. Yes, all of the wizards were evil. Yes, they deserve to be dead. But inflicting pain on someone, hundreds of people who didn’t even have the information he needed, is more than evil too. Adam is not an evil person, as showcased CONSTANTLY throughout this story. He lost himself in rage. Which by the way Corn, was excellently written. Crying is one of the strongest, and most emotionally developed things a human can do, calling him childish for crying just proves how childish you are. You cannot cheer for him to flip a switch and give in to rage, and then boo when he starts crying while being held by people he cares about. You guys seriously need help, I’m not saying this to put you down, you just really really need help. If you take this attitude forward into life, I am reluctant to say you could even call it a life. And, I know most of the people commenting these things are 14. I just need to say, for my own selfish reasons; There is nothing cool or attractive about being filled with hate. It doesn’t make you dark and mysterious. It makes you lonely. It makes you sad. And when it does make you sad, and you can’t even cry because you’ve convinced yourself that to do so is an embarrassment or something to be looked down on, you will be a broken person. Please god, please I’m begging you, get help. -NS

1 years ago

Isn’t this all directly copied from the book?

Harry and Khan could tell, that however angry he was with the twins, he hadn't really intended to tell Mrs Weasley what had happened.

A Legacy Continued

A Legacy Continued

Video Games · Sudoku

2 years ago
Replied to Rionn

It’s Yhorm. A boss from Dark Souls 3! -NS

The behemoth imposingly stood at the center of the castle. Inside the transparent behemoth, the first figure was floating at the center of the chest.

The Extra's Odyssey

The Extra's Odyssey

Fantasy · Ryukurou

2 years ago
Replied to Luxuriant

I didn’t realise we were arguing. I apologise for it across to you like that. Have a good day. -NS

If he becomes a mage at a young age, we won't be able to have his precious childhood.

Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Fantasy · H2Oz_Anxious

2 years ago
Replied to Dao_Balance

What you say makes no sense. If a child says they want to be a soldier, that means that at some point they will go to a battlefield. Which, as a parent would be something you would want to avoid. Especially as she isn’t an experienced parent, she would want to keep her kid as safe as possible. Whether or not that is the right way to raise a child is up for debate, and something I know very little about. But a mother trying to disuade her son from a dangerous lifestyle is anything but wrong. And, correct me if I’m wrong, when a parent thinks that their childs dreams are not okay then… Why shouldn’t they disuade them from it. What if a child dreams of being a murderer? Would to say that it is the parent’s duty to encourage and support, or to help the child realise that it isn’t right? Usually a parent will know better than a child, as they’ve lived longer. Obviously that isn’t the case here, but she doesn’t know that. Also, the mother is a merchant, with little to no combatative ability, and yet she is surviving in the world, which shows that it is not necassary to become strong to survive, especially if your family is rich and has access to guards and magic tools for defense. As a parent, of course she hoped that her child would take after her and choose to be a merchant instead of a mage, that is completely natural. But she definetly isn’t doing this out of spite, or because she ‘doesn’t want to be the only one with no magic’. You said in previous comments that she hates mages, which is just untrue as she has married one. If that was not your opinion then you should ammend it. The author spent a lot of time creating these characters, and for you to dismiss them so flippantly is just wrong. If you don’t like what you’re reading, leave. Don’t make unnecessary negative comments. The author isn’t going to change the story purely because you don’t like the way a character is written. Please stop being toxic and try to be kinder. There is no need to bring a writer down. Please try to see things from my point of view. -NS

2 years ago
Replied to Luxuriant

If you would trust a child to only practice magic when dad was around, then fair play. I however know most children, although not reincarnated, would play around with magic, given the chance. The fact that he is reincarnated soes mean he could be more trusted, however his parents do not know that fact, and believe he is still a kid. And a incredibly strong one at that. I don’t remember if it has happened the story at this point, but there is a moment where Eon’s life is at risk because of a mistake he makes with his magic. Anyways, have a good day. -NS

If he becomes a mage at a young age, we won't be able to have his precious childhood.

Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Fantasy · H2Oz_Anxious

2 years ago
Replied to Dao_Balance

For starters, I apologise you had to grow up in a controlling household. I was also raised in, to put it lightly, a not great home. So I empathise with you on that. But his parents are unaware that he is reincarnated, and to them the only place he has known in his life is the house and garden he is currently in. It is completely natural for a mother not wanting her 5 year old child, who isn’t even even halfway developed, to train in potentionally life threatening practices. I see and agree that she may be incredibly protective of her child, but she certainly is not a ‘control freak psycho mother’ just for wanting to keep her young child safe. Yes, he has a fully trained father to practice with, but would you really trust a child to not go behind your back and play with it anyways? No, at least I’d hope not. Apologies for rough wording, I’m without sleep and grumpy. -NS

3) You will have to play with me when you aren't practicing. Oh, honey, you can always join us.

Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Fantasy · H2Oz_Anxious

2 years ago
Replied to Luxuriant

From the definition of misogyny ‘It can also refer to social systems or environments where women face hostility and hatred because they’re women in a world created by and for men— a historical patriarchy’. I hope this clears up your misunderstanding of the word. And everything you just said is dripping with male privilege. I know it’s not easy to see from a man’s perpective, but you are wrong. Bringing up history is also weird, do you think just because something has happened for hundreds of years, that its right? By that definition, racism is okay. I dont mean to put words in your mouth and I really hope you don’t believe that and purely misspoke. On the topic of gender… Gender is a social construct. Women are plenty capable of everything men are, and vice versa. You can argue all you want about how people born male are naturally stronger, there are plenty women stronger than most men. As well as plenty men weaker than most women. And in this day and age, where we don’t fight for our lives daily, physical strength is meaningless. What truly matters is intellect, and I hope you believe that women are equal to men in that regard. Gender isn’t exactly a topic I am super qualified to talk about, but as even an unqualified person, I can tell that your opinion is problematic and one of the many reasons discrimination continues. Saying ‘most sterotypes are true’ or whatever you said is… teriffying. And leads me to believe you are a straight white male, though I hate to assume. There may be some people that conform to sterotypes, but saying that the majority do is, for a lack of better words, wrong. Please take some time to educate yourself on the things you speak on. Not just so you become a decent human being, but so other people don’t see your incorrect opinions and take them as wisdom. There is too much hate in the world, and we are at a place as a species, for the most part, where people can finally express themselves without lethal reprocussion. Although there are many cases where that isn’t the case. It is my belief that people should be allowed to be just people, and not conform to millena old sterotypes that no longer have any bearing. I got a bit off topic, but my point is, who cares if the dad is submissive and the mum is dominant. That’s just who they are. You being upset with two people, fictional that they are, for being themselves is toxic and unnecessary. Take a look in the mirror and decide what kind of person you want to be. I know for a fact that other people’s business is absolutely nothing to do with me. Yes, you can dislike a character for their traits, but requesting for their traits to be changed purely to satisfy your male ego is tragic. I went on a bit and, once again, apologise if I worded this harshly. I truly have no ill will and want only to share with you my view on the world. Which I hope you can agree with, or at least respect. Otherwise, have a lovely day. -NS