damn it, you beat me
"Oh my god, why is it so big?!"
Games · Xia Shuqin
SSS,SSS, shouldn't it be SS,SSS
The talent is from high to low, in order: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SSS, SSS
Sci-fi · MountainDuskwalker
"Creepy," I muttered. As I tried to open my mouth, the symbiote split apart, revealing a grotesque, tooth-filled grin that stretched all the way to my ears. "Terrifying… but kind of cool."
Fantasy · Sensual_Sage
She has a pet dragon named Puff, He is small but very loyal to her.
Fantasy · Som_Me
I'm not a fan of time jumps, but do one already . Make him legal
he's adopted
Loki in all manner and form was a wily and cheeky god by nature, and this innate trait of his was inherited by neither his mother, Freya nor his father, Odin, and was instead something that originated from his upbringing.
Eastern · Astral_Pandemonium
too late he is already insane
"Back to working on expanding the size of my Qi cyclones. I can't brood over Crystalline's matter forever, or else, I really will end up going insane before I reach the Apex of existence." Azmond lectured himself with a small, wry smile, as he had already approached the giant spiritual stone garden before he scanned the area, looking for the only spiritual stone for him.
Eastern · Astral_Pandemonium
Eventually catching her tongue, she realized that resistance is futile and accepts whatever his tongue does, following its dance like a practiced partner as they perform inside her warm wet mouth.
Fantasy · Heavenlydelusion
she wants his body
hopefully, he doesn't watch too much porn or it might run out sooner
Next to the barbecue, Li Yu had brought out two cases of ice-cold beer from the large refrigerator, and the table also held several bottles of homemade juice, along with tissues for wiping mouths. Indeed, Li Yu had considered a lot, stocking up on plenty of tissues.
Apocalyptic Reincarnation: Start with a 30-million Bonus
Sci-fi · Six Leeks