No, continue the story as is.
Movies · TryingMyBest
I can't join discord with the code it keeps saying it's not valid
I don't think anyone noticed that rukia and izzy DxD look the same just change that izzy looks like an older version of rukia
cuteness attack
can you please add me on serve because the link doesn't work anymore
I'm not badmouthing your book I'm just putting my opinion on safety in the world of harrypotter we have voldemort's daughter that several death commissioners go after but we see it leave security at the same level as a common hospital let's be realistic if mc has not delivered the death commissioners they take it away only place that has good security I was philosopher's stone because they don't they do something simpler to put guards and an alarm system proof of this than the philosopher's stone if it had an alarm that if someone passing the ceberus was warned and that if it was not deactivated it would make the cerebus wake up devour the intruders if it didn't kill it would discover that someone was having steals stone and the only people who would know would be our old handler and those he trusts most my opinion on safety in the harrypotter world which you have managed demonstrates perfectly
Anime & Comics · God_Hand