

LV 14
2021-08-01 加入 Global
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Moments 63
2 months ago
Replied to UmUUwU

Oh, thanks for your opinion! But here's my thoughts. First off, once again, is the council. They are just lurking, waiting for the chance to disband fairy tail, and mc knows that. Second, Yes, mc is clever, however, he is still human, he still makes mistakes as no one is perfect, and this scene just shows how mc is human. Third, mc prioritized his "fam", the shadow gear, Yes, this might be wrong in the long run, however, as someone who lost his real family right infront of his eyes when he was young, would you really blame him for prioritizing shadow gear? Now, you might argue that mc just brought more risk to his other guild mates, however, at the current time they werent really at risk at the moment, unlike shadow gear. I have more to share however, I don't really have much time to spare as I'm studying for my tests. I don't blame you for thinking that way and I'm thankful for your opinion. There are indeed some inconsistencies is this ff, but as I said earlier, no one is perfect, and im sure that includes me. I started this as a pass time so I never really gave much thought and this is not really my biggest priority. So, I don't blame you if you don't like the ff, Afterall, I can't entertain everyone. I hope you have a great day and find a story that fits your taste!

2 months ago
Replied to UmUUwU

Well, will you threaten someone who is threthening you with the lives of 3 of your fam? Think of it this way, lets say mc did threatgen them back and said that, the duo could have just killed shadow gear right there, yes they would have died aswell along with gajeel, however, a full war between Fairy tail and Phantom Lord is guaranteed, and council might even disband both Phantom lord and Fairy tail even if Phantom lord was first. They could just come up with some bs about killing because they have litteraly been looking for any reason to hit or disband fairy tail.

2 months ago
Replied to LeVent

It should end next chap if I remember correctly…

3 months ago
Replied to A_Sleepless_dream

Well you need to think of it a bit. First off, Fairy tail is a legal guild. Mc already pulled a stunt with the luluby in the council. It is also known in the original that the council really wants to disband fairy tail. Now, if mc were to kill so many of phantom lord mages, would he be out of trouble with the council? Even if mc argues that phantom lord started it, phantom lord just destroyed the guild hall and injured shadow gear, they never, or atleat haven't killed anyone.

Soon enough, Aurelius stood amidst the wreckage of the Phantom Lord mages he had already taken down. Their bodies littered the ground, unconscious and defeated, but still, more of them remained—too many.



Anime & Comics · CelestialSimp

3 months ago
Replied to Christian_Quirimit_7442

Stay tuned to find out!

3 months ago
Replied to Crimson_Wyrm

Thanks for the comment! First off, Jose does indeed not have sight, hearing and magic sense. However, he does have insticts and battle sense, a great one at that since he is a wizard saint. Also, I’m pretty sure I added a line for Jose saying that to him, using magic is as easy as breathing(He meant that casting his magic is like muscle memory so he doesn’t need to feel the magic as he is so familiar with it that he can do it without sensing) The main point I was trying to send was that, for this fanfic, the difference between “most” wizard saint and “some” S class are big. And that mc, as of this point normally cannot defeat jose. I apologize for the confusion and will do my best to make future things simillar to this more clear.

3 months ago
Replied to i_like_catwoman

I agree with your take in the Energy magic. However, illusions have no real damage to the target. You might fool them, yes, but this shouldn’t work especially agaisnt Wizard saints.(you might argue about makarov’s son’s illusion in GMG, however, no one there knows about that guy being good at illusions. However, everyone knows about mc’s illusion, so they can easily dispell it. Which is why he relies more on sense alteration, because in the current point in the story, there is no real way to escape this, unless mc’s magic ran out or mc choose to end it

3 months ago
Replied to Kyatus

I think that part was confusing. Elemental 4 didn't beat mc, they blackmailed him using the shadow gear.