tdi bilangnya gk suka giliran ceweknya deket sma yg lain gk boleh
"Jangan deket-deket dengan cowok, selain gue!" tekan Galang sambil mengingatkan Naura akan kalimat tersebut.
Teen · Van_Pebriyan
nah loh ngamuk
"Gak usah panggil dia Babu gue!" bentak Galang yang merasa tidak suka dengan hal ini.
Teen · Van_Pebriyan
The manager pleas and begging her to make the cake, otherwise, he had to close this tea house. Ni Qing already teaches the cook her technique and recipe, but they cannot replicate the taste. She did not have any other choice rather than walked down to the kitchen and starts to make the cake.
History · Poetri_cantique
He starts by rearranging his military forces. He has his own plan and relays it to all his general. His first plan is to attack the Dayu Kingdom. Every General who hear his ambitious plan got quiet. there is a protest from several senior generals who decides to walk out and retire from their position.
History · Poetri_cantique
kalo gak cemburu gak akan marah marah
"Kamu itu dari tadi bahas cowok lain terus, memangnya kenapa kalau aku sama cowok lain? Kamu cemburu ya? Iya kan, cemburu?"
Teen · Van_Pebriyan