Oh, wait. I'm using a mask on the lower half of my face. Tch. Who thought in this design?
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
We must be fair with this story. First of all, we must take into account that Dante starts off weak, which is normal since here his lineage is just awakening, while in the games he has been awake for more than 20 years where he also accumulates experience like this. It is normal that he starts out weak and little by little becomes strong, what tries to resolve things in a semi-peaceful way is normal, he is not a superman who is immune to everything and does not care about the consequences, there are consequences after clarifying That's why the author is doing everything right with one or another spelling error but after that, well that and it gets Dante from one mess to another but it's marvel where the end of the world happens every week 🗿
There is an adventure time fanfic in which the MC is reincarnated as the son of Simon (the Ice King) before the mushroom wars and his love interest is Marceline. He is actually quite good, although the author is very spontaneous with the updates.
Jiu-jitsu is the same, although when referring to combat of being caporeira
"Not yet, I'll show you my Muay Thai techniques, get ready, because after using my techniques you will fall at my feet!" – Alex said with a confident smile.
Anime & Comics · Bloodnight
And of course, some of the most badass fight scenes for a kid's cartoon.
Others · Daichi_TBR193
They both got onto their bikes and went to their Secret hideout where they do stuff normal people aren't supposed to be doing.
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
George just looks at Peter with a raised eyebrow "What does she mean you're building a computer? Isnt that a little too complex for a kid your age"
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
The truth is that so far the story is going well, it is going really well, its pace is not too rushed, not too slow and it uses something innovative, one could say since I can count on one hand the amount of story that uses the cold demons as the protagonist. , keep it up
Effects: Body potential is significantly increased, along with your body's natural adaptation towards environmental changes.
Zero Fate Against the World (New Version)
Video Games · Abadom