Thanks for the update so soon 😭💖 Lightning and blue fire at that age must cost a lot of Chi right? I just realized now that Azula did pull an ATLA Book 2 Finale Avatar Slaying move right there.
I totally forgot 💀 I only remember that he struggled with it at the very beginning and I thought it was too bad because I always like the healer route
YES YES YES HE'S BACK!! I was worried he won't get there in time. Too bad He's not a healer, I always thought it was unfair how the Southern Tribe was almost wiped out. Hopefully no "Katara's necklace" moments in the future! Oh and I hope Azula gets beaten up.
Thanks for the chapter, I love quick updates 👀 That mental protection thing is really interesting. I wonder if this Yulia is a fighter, she's the Travers kid's mother. I feel like MC would rather punch her in the face.
Thanks for the chapter 💖 Fanfiction either makes me like/tolerate or absolutely HATE Annie. It's insane.
Thanks for the chapter 💖
Thanks for the chapter 💖 I totally forgot about her. Ymir did enter the Walls after the the Warriors broke through the Walls, so it makes sense. Too bad she didn't choose a peaceful/stealthy entrance this time :c
Thank you so much for the chapter! 💖
Thanks for the chapter! 💖 I can't wait for the shifters to arrive. Also, that night Frieda became the Founder I think. She's able to erase their memories, ao that's a problem... Unless Grisha already took the Founder, which means canon doesn't diverge as much. Can't wait for the next update c:
Thanks for the chapter 💖
Harry Potter : Reincarnated as The Greatest Wizard
Book&Literature · SwordmanCarryNuke