Say no to love. She in his mind how cliché. Not at all original, he Is I old reencarnated guy thinking about I young girl...plz call the cops hihiji. I love aventure he is in I new big world filled with things to do AND explore why would someone get stopped by some childrish kids crush
Haaa, you do know that Goku has 2 kids with chichi, AND they aré married right?
I love Suigetsu I hipe they becomes Best friends
It Is so interesting a im hoping he becomes the Best father ever to the point in with he can puch homelander into the right path
Hiiiii I ship them Madara x Ichika hijh
Madara Is I Uchiha they have I cold exterior AND I soft interior Is you get into there hearth they Will do everything in they Powers to help you I like between tobirama AND Madara 💯% I Will choose Madara AND not that racista of tobirama that causes the indirect death of all I clan includong the kids
Yess madi Is so much, of a better choice than the kazekage
No to ship😠
No to ship, down love, friends forever.👍👍👍
There Is I error in these chapter zabusa did not use the executive sword before Jozu Biwa
Kazekage Ninja: The Rise of the Hidden Sand
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