Sort of a meta foreshadow for my future works (as the same universal constructs will apply.)
The 'moon' pondered for a moment about its current situation, the other outer entity, even as weak as it was, was able to observe it for a moment. 'This won't do. These life travellers... The stories I have heard about them... Best not to be nearby when it remembers this once its strength has grown.'
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
The insane mans streak is finally over!!!
The ascended one
Despite having the same proportions as the Seer, the Seer had ceased to be. No horns, no eyes, no skin. The being that had begun to ascend off the ground was made of pure Psionic energy. She was so pure and powerful that energy began pouring into her before expelling outwards in beautiful white and orange wispy tendrils. The energy barrelled towards Rekosh, but he was too stunned to move.
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
His brain has regenerative properties. So after a few hours, he is back to normal, he needs them as his emotions get too out of hand at times
"Jocasta- Lobotomise!"
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
'twas a play on the term 'ear worm' which is what you call a song that is stuck in your head. SO a brain worm would be a memory stuck in your head
As the thought of Apollo came to her mind, her thoughts went back millennia to her master before her brain worm came back in the form of Apollo and Onyx on the bed, inviting her to join in.
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
The news aint going to say one of the top forces in spartari got killed. that would cause hysteria
Gabrielle's eyes went wide as she stared at the screen, ignoring the mess Sophia had just made. "So far, there have been no reported casualties as the planet's praetorians fought valiantly as the creature seemingly attempted to assassinate Queen Elaine on her way to a charity event for War Orphans. Queen Elaine and her bodyguards were not harmed in the slightest and the Alien was sent running."
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
dont sweat about privilege, thats just for those that wish to support me further. Just wait daily for the free ticket if you wish to keep on reading as those without privilege still get a chapter a day
Second place is best. coming first is for losers... Wait no thats not right...
It is
Aeletha placed the amulet around her neck and suddenly, the thousands of futures that were playing out in her mind stopped their torrent and what emerged before her were simply two ebbing and flowing rivers.
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell
The hivemind is conquering for me?
Sci-fi · Ben_Cresswell