
LV 4
2021-05-27 加入 Global
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Moments 4
2 years ago

Tokyo Revengers!!!!

No longer waiting for Gary to come up with an answer, Kai enlightened his underclassman. “It’s actually quite simple, we would have to be part of a bigger gang. Of course, just joining another one is out of the question. The Underdogs could simply pay off whoever we go to to hand us out. As such, our only choice is to create our own gang that is bigger and more powerful than the Underdogs. That’s where you come in. You will be my little dog in all this. You will help me grow our gang!”

My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

Fantasy · JKSManga

3 years ago

Kungfu Panda, anyone?

In the middle of the battlefield, slashing up shalker bodies like they were butter and even defeating several of their strongest soldiers was General Ryker, the aura of black and white yin and yang surrounding his glowing purple flower defended body in the shape of a panda, fur armour made of energy on his body. With simple flicks of his spirit veins and summoned plants such as venus fly traps, he was more than powerful enough to bolt across the battlefield and cause mayhem where ever he went, a crazy, amused look on his face like he was a child at an amusement park, his laughs echoing throughout the battlefield despite all the injuries he was sustaining...

The Great Demon System

The Great Demon System

Fantasy · Drip

3 years ago
Replied to Grunty_Lover

Black Clover the GOAT

Both clashing in the air, their aura roaring, flowing and mixing around them from all direction, they seemed equally matched, a death glare on both of their faces, Alex's rainbow glowing body now growing even more brightly as he pushed his body even further past its own limits, zero regards for his own muscles that were tearing apart from the inside. Yet, with such a trade-off, it seemed like he was gaining the upper hand.

The Great Demon System

The Great Demon System

Fantasy · Drip

3 years ago

I was picturing obama giving a medal to obama

'WOW! What the fuck! I swear I predicted like half of this at the start of the exam!' Moby thought, mentally patting himself on the back.

The Great Demon System

The Great Demon System

Fantasy · Drip