Baby is coming!! So excited!
WHat are you sayIng!! Keep writing! I am still here. Welcome back!
How aBout 5?😜
I honestly want Cathy to juSt forget the trashy JoNathan and Find a better maN. GeeZe!
I really sTill pray Shuan and Yunru will end up together.
FINALLY!!! 👏🏼😊😏🥰💦💦💦
Seeing through his perspective does explain why he did what he did, the reason behind his actions, but it doesn’t make the consequences Marrie and Anna lived through less miserable. Their relationship is just toxic at present, and Marrie could have easily been freed to enjoy some good break from Liam’s BS had he signed the divorce papers. If Marrie were a friend or a sister would mine, I’d surely support her to leave and stay away for her mental health’s sake. Given his character lacks in the communication department, it’s been years and a ton of heartache, but he hasn’t developed a little to help Marrie feel secure and show confidence in her awesome strength to share some of truth. I get that its a character flaw of Liam but his character development is long overdue. Nevertheless, it’s pretty obvious, MarriexLiam will still end up together. I sure hope to see Liam grovel for Marrie’s forgiveness. You mentioned there is more to be revealed and I am certainly excited to read about that. But for now, Liam remains a trash in my perspective. Pleasure engaging with you, Author.
Liam is still a manipulative cheating trash. Marrie deserves peace and a better man, Author.
Yey! Thank u for the update
Take your time and praying for your n your fam’s safety.
...dropped novel
Fantasy · RMA_19