Without hesitation, John retaliated with a spell of his own.
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
I never killed a leprechaun before, you think if I cut one open with my knife Lucky Charms would spill out?!
Next came the Irish team's mascots—Leprechauns.
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
However, Fleur herself only regarded John as a friend and had no romantic interest in him.
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
And so, John found himself leading two girls, one older and one younger, back toward his tent.
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
"Let's see... there's Maxwell Lord... then there's..."
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
"So many buttons..." I muttered to myself, fighting the urge to smash every shiny button in front of me as I looked at the Batmobile's dashboard, seated behind the steering wheel.
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
The Plan...? #114
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
"But you gotta stop bullying the little guy. You don't wanna cause a robot rebellion, and the eventual AI apocalypse, do you?" I remarked as I picked up the clumsy murder machine and put on its legs. "What am I saying, you're a cat, of course, you do."
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
"If you push the kid away into a darker path, that would be your biggest failure as a hero to date, and I will never forgive you for it..."
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
Next week on the continuing adventures of Lockhart
The Will of Gil (Gilderoy Lockhart SI)
Movies · DragonField