male LV 3
2021-03-07 加入 Italy
徽章 5

Moments 12
5 months ago

Jimmy Eat World - The Middle Perfect as the next song

1 years ago

Aside from his regenerative abilities thanks to the Cadou, a parasitic organism created from a mold-infected nematode, Heisenberg's mutation also granted him superhuman strength. While his hammer was stated to be too heavy for an ordinary human to wield, Heisenberg could carry it with one arm with seemingly little effort, and was even seen shattering stone with the oversized weapon. In addition, the mutation also provided him with electric organs similar to Narke japonica, the Japanese sleeper ray, which connected with his nervous system and allowed him to harness electromagnetism, as well as control magnetic fields to manipulate metal objects. Heisenberg would later transform by stretching his body apart and spreading his biomass through a large mechanical apparatus he assembled in and around his flesh, becoming a cybernetic mutant. Mother Miranda considered him to be the strongest of the Four Lords and the one with the most stable mutation. The Japanese version of the above file, "Heisenberg's Treatment Book", states that the Cadou used to infect Heisenberg specifically formed the electric organ in his chest, which connected to his cranial nerves, essentially turning him into a human coil.

1 years ago

will you continue to translate?

1 years ago
Replied to CreatorKratos


1 years ago

The only thing I can say to you, Mr. "system_evolver," is that what you are writing is a story with great potential that I hope you will continue to write for the entertainment of us readers and enjoyment for yourself. The story seems new and interesting, something that is rare to see lately, I hope you keep it up. Don't focus on the results. Focus on the process and luck will be with you. If you keep working hard, nothing can stop you.

1 years ago
Replied to ARMENDMAR

I'm not good at English, I used a translator if you don't understand something tell me

1 years ago

Hi author, I would like to tell you that so far (cap14) you are doing a good job. I am not an expert, but I would like to give my opinion. You seem to want to write a fairly inteligent character, however, he lacks insight, he has not yet asked for much information about the world where he has arrived, such as the name of the place where he lives and a map, it would also be interesting if he asked the system for information about what he can do (since when he talks to it he usually responds). You also wrote that he was good at most of the things he did before, it would be better to specify at what level though (basic, intermediate, advanced). As a suggestion to add to the statics, "Perception" would be interesting. The quality of the writing is an 8.5/10, there are some errors now and then, but it is quite easy to follow the thread. As a story I like the idea and I hope you will be able to improve it ,make it co-revealing to the reader and obviously climb the rankings. I hope you won't abandon the novel because, in my opinion, it has potential. Good luck.