Badass! Like straight up surprised me by that, it was awesome!
Thanks for the story, I freakin' love it!
I almost thought Milky was gonna break his dick, and his pelvis, with a kick. XD
XD irony, love this story
Badass and Awesome!
Spider-Man Unlimited
"Imagine that: a watch. I could be Spider-Man anytime I want."
Anime & Comics · MrLarsBar
thanks for the chapter, hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
Think heard of a sort of pre cure, it was a Deadpool story. A female scientist, some guy, and Deadpool were trapped in this universe, and somehow she made a cure but only works before you turn. As in once you get bitten, you have to take it before you turn.
Marvel's zombie universe had seen a few major viruses: the voodoo curse, the giant virus, and now this hunger virus. There was an antidote for the hunger virus, but in this alternate universe, all the superheroes had perished before it could be developed. In another universe, years later, an antidote would eventually be created, but that was of little use here.
Movies · soulcreator
One, Damn! That was Awesome!!! Second, wild guess here so if I somehow spoil possible plot don't be mad, but what if this leads to Spider-Man going THE OTHER against Lizardzilla.
Spider-Man of Earth 65
Anime & Comics · MrLarsBar