

LV 11
2020-12-29 加入 Global
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Moments 765
1 years ago

Who doesn't appreciate some good Oyakodon? Anyone who can't understand it's greatness simply has no taste.

Tatyana put on a sadistic smile and looked at the others. "Complete degenerates, they want to taste the mother and daughter at the same time. Truly sinful~."

Heaven, Earth, Me

Heaven, Earth, Me

Fantasy · Mortrexo

1 years ago

Honestly, I don't mind when a protagonist takes issue with fantasy slavery and tries to unexist it, especially when the slavery system is one of the more unforgiving ones that emulate slavery as experienced in our world. It can even make for an interesting arc where the protagonist frees an entire race of people and restores them to the power of a country, or at least gets the ball rolling. The main issue comes from when an idiot comes in and tries to screw with things without understanding or thinking through anything. Some authors really don't think much further than "Slavery bad, me include slavery, MC stop slavery, MC look good" and, while things like that have their place, that is a very boring setting to see repeated a hundred times over.

Yasenia nodded casually, "I don't see a difference between human and beast-people. Moreover, my lovers are human; you don't have to worry, mom. I will not act like those righteous heroes and try to change something impossible to change. I'm more curious than anything."

Heaven, Earth, Me

Heaven, Earth, Me

Fantasy · Mortrexo

1 years ago
Replied to Neon_4535

Sorry to comment on a 2 month old comment, but is there any real difference between Yasenia impregnating one of the girls and her getting impregnated by Andrea? Or is it simply that you don't like the idea of them having kids at all in the novel? I can kinda understand the latter, kids in amy series have a good chance of ruining the entire thing if not handled well, but I can't grasp the former.

Yasenia raised an eyebrow. "Oh… Then I will be able to get pregnant?"

Heaven, Earth, Me

Heaven, Earth, Me

Fantasy · Mortrexo

1 years ago

Codependency can certainly be worrisome if not addressed properly. If she becomes like this every time they get separated there will truly be issues, both for Yasenia and her own cultivation(Yasenia constantly worrying about how Angel will feel if she leaves for training or missions or excursions and Angel likely forming heart demons over the, even if temporary, abandonments)

These two weeks without Yasenia have made her realize how much she loved her. Almost an unhealthy amount of love.

Heaven, Earth, Me

Heaven, Earth, Me

Fantasy · Mortrexo

1 years ago

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand. Yasenia's mentor, who's name escapes me at the moment, said she wanted to let Yasenia feel frustration by failing to use the sword properly, but then Mason comes and she just...allows him to tell her? What was the point of her struggling for a week then? It's not like she felt all that much frustration, and it's not like there is much frustration to be felt from simply failing to use an extremely high level weapon with absolutely zero guidance or information on what mistakes she was making. It just makes it feel like Yasenia spent a full week making much lower gains training wise outside of comprehending her elements for absolutely no reason. Apologies for the long rant, it's just that this entire situation confuses me.

Yasenia looked inquiringly. "You are using the giant sword as if it was a normal broadsword. You are trying to add flexibility to a sword that has none. What are the characteristics of your sword?"

Heaven, Earth, Me

Heaven, Earth, Me

Fantasy · Mortrexo

1 years ago

Eh, there are much worse things for one to be into. I should know, I'm the number one degenerate 'round these parts.

Yasenia retorted, "You want to see your lover having sex with another woman! Degenerates!"

Heaven, Earth, Me

Heaven, Earth, Me

Fantasy · Mortrexo

1 years ago

Y'know, I can't help but doubt that considering the woman who has mastered the law of fate specifically gave you 5 "slots"

Yasenia interrupted and said earnestly, "I won't accept any more girls. You four are more than enough. I'm loyal to the four of you and my mother. Remember this, no matter how much I like another girl, I won't start a relationship with them. Unless something completely exceptional happens, I will have only the four of you."

Heaven, Earth, Me

Heaven, Earth, Me

Fantasy · Mortrexo

1 years ago

People like this guy are what give harems and other such relationships a bad rep in novels like this. I get wanting to have someone that can increase your power easily, and even being aggressive in order to obtain them, but at a certain point you have to act like a reasonable adult right? Yeah yeah, might makes right or whatever stupid rule cultivation worlds have, but acting like this ruins the trust anyone has for you being a worthwhile individual/power to associate with.

Meanwhile, on the Academy grounds, Yasenia continued listening to Cecile's tale, "Even if a lot of people would be delighted of being part of his harem, my father didn't want me to be part of a harem with more than 300 women so he tried to resist… My mother, however, thought that it was my blessing to be liked by the king, so they had a fight. This happened when I was 12."

Heaven, Earth, Me

Heaven, Earth, Me

Fantasy · Mortrexo

1 years ago

Honestly, it could be a lot worse. She and her family are dead, but she can still experience the world, even if only as a spectator, and she can take a bit of solace that she knows where her family is, even if they are only mindless thralls to be used for battle.

While the corpses in front of the undead raised, a single tear could be seen going down the undead's cheek. However, its body kneeled in respect and gratitude towards its eternal master.

Heaven, Earth, Me

Heaven, Earth, Me

Fantasy · Mortrexo

1 years ago

Wait, was this originally posted on ScribbleHub? I actually came here from AO3 because I thought this was where the images were. Eh, too late to go back now, plus the comment feature here is easier to put my thoughts together anyways.