wait - she kept her last name?
I remember, just yesterday how we were still in her apartment and now we are sitting in our new home. We are having a child together. I am training Navy Seals. My life is that of a happy man and there is nothing that no one can do that would change how I feel about Kim McPherson.
Fantasy · Mrssmithwriter
That was so perfect...if I were a crier I am sure I would have cried. I am so anxious to see them evolve. GREAT JOB, MrXWriter!!!!
well next summer I plan to experience that one first hand 😉
"If you need anything, please put your hand in the air, and I will come right over. Enjoy your meal."
Urban · MrXwriter
is that a French thing? i feel like putting your hand in the air is elementary, but then again I have never been to France
"If you need anything, please put your hand in the air, and I will come right over. Enjoy your meal."
Urban · MrXwriter
LUCY! 🤬🤬🤬
Nice nod 😉
I decide to watch another movie and this time I would go for something more in the area of a chick flick. I decide to watch Endangered Love. I enjoy having him on my lap and I just want to savor the moment for a little while longer.
Fantasy · Mrssmithwriter
loving these little subtle hints 😉
I have had a long day of talking to women and it is unbelievable how exhausting this can be. I decide to make my way back to the bedroom to get some kind of sanity. I just need to be alone for a little while.
Fantasy · Mrssmithwriter
Oooooooo - sleeping all day now crying for no reason???? Get ready for this twist!
But then suddenly she starts to cry. I jump up and stand next to her while I say, holding her hand.
Fantasy · Mrssmithwriter
omg she's killing me with all this low self esteem 😤
I have to make a decision because these mood swings are giving me whiplash. I take a deep breath and then I decide that a clean break will be the best. I must realize that he is a Captain with a much higher rank than me and I am but only a doctor.
Fantasy · Mrssmithwriter
WAIT!!! So she's going to deploy again and he's going to retire? What is he going to do after retirement? Do they ever get married? I have so man any unanswered questions 🙄 ....looks like we just might need a 2nd book 😁
My Navy Captain: Breaking Down Walls
Fantasy · Mrssmithwriter