Before being teleported, Krune asked if his companions could watch the test. Hasik didn't have anything against it, so he simply showed the testing room for them through the illusionary formation in the Order Hall.
Eastern · Suiyan
seems fitting he would have a taunt skill.
Chains of battle, (anyone that is affected by this skill is only able to attack the user and no one else)
Anime & Comics · Dark_light
Good luck.
Everything was fine, it was fine until that day came.
Anime & Comics · vurse
He then turned around and immediately raised his middle finger, responding to the slander, "I bet you don't even know how many fingers I'm holding up!"
Fantasy · JKSManga
This is looking pretty promising, I'm looking forward to future chapters.
Gojo Template in Genshin Impact
Video Games · Endora