
female LV 4

Lover of most things fantasy/supernatural: werewolves, witches, vampires, dragons, etc.

2020-09-27 加入 United States
徽章 9

Moments 17
1 years ago
Replied to Aabigailg

he was honest, but just didn't tell the whole story. I'm pretty she he was alluding back to the dragon campaign and when he would have Ruth use magic on him to make him see illusions of Maxi to help him sleep...

2 years ago
Replied to Abby_Petersen


Maxi's neck stiffened before she slowly looked up. Riftan had one hand clamped around the duke's wrist, his face full of incomprehension as he took in the sight before him.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

2 years ago
Replied to kozia94

I'm curious where they are gonna stop the second season at, but my God does it seem like it's uploading at a snail's pace

Maxi stared, her mouth agape. It truly was massive. A large block of sharp, light gray rock formed a steep slant above the gates of Eth Lene Castle like a seawall. Below it was a sturdy wall made of carved rock. Maxi nervously eyed the boulder perched precariously at the top of the crag.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

2 years ago
Replied to The_wildside

I believe it was mentioned before that she has had periods in the past; they just weren't as frequent and regular as normal

She was engrossed in her studies for a while when she suddenly felt a heavy pang in her lower abdomen. The quill she had been dipping into ink froze when she felt something flowing between her legs.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

2 years ago


Recalling the overwhelming pleasure he gave her whenever he did so, Maxi looked up at him beseechingly. "Y-You don't have to be… gentle."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

2 years ago
Replied to DaoistZjeMZI

riftan's pov is on here under the name riftan's pov- under the oak tree. it looks like it's free. however it doesn't go this far in the story and only really goes p to and including the events of the dragon campaign

Gabel studied Maxi's face. "I heard that you fell ill from using too much mana last time. I hope you are not feeling unwell now, my lady?"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

3 years ago
Replied to Happy_cat3

it's their honeymoon phase, leave em alone and enjoy it while it lasts

"Do you know what you're doing to me right now?"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

3 years ago

I feel honored to share my name with one of her kittens


"I'll call th-the tabby Ron, th-the white one L-Laura, a-and the black one R-Roy."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

3 years ago
Replied to Phoenix_Night3

thank you for this. I forgot my notes at home

"Do you accept payment in liram?"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

3 years ago


"Perhaps riding was a foolish suggestion. Shall we turn back?"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim