Purple haze?
Meanwhile, regarding the plants: Some plants underwent striking color changes, such as green leaves turning dark purple.
Anime & Comics · Alex_Fabianoki
I’m too high to understand wtf is going on but something don’t seem right
Straight out bro story is nice an all but WebNovel is filled with degenerates looking for fast paced overpowered harem mcs not someone like kagami who only needs grind for the template of white fang. The template choice is unique but also boring as there isn’t any noteworthy abilities apart from swordsmanship. I personally like it but these reasons listed are probably why the story isn’t as popular as you want it to be. Some advice is for you to just keep writing don’t worry bout who reading and wether they like it or not, if your idea is good and refined enough it’ll gain traction
Like y'all can give criticism, I just don't know whats up ?
Anime & Comics · Mr_IMMOR_TAL
Damn, THE Jon Jones?
His father was a popular fighter in the dregs of society; the populace called him Jon Jones, the undefeated.
Anime & Comics · Mr_IMMOR_TAL
High asf rnw and waas stuck on this scentence for 2mins Read it as ask mui to talk to Spanish
At last, Mui turned to Senshi:
Anime & Comics · Bleam
The rest of the akatsuki rnw:
The great hall fell into an uncomfortable silence.
Anime & Comics · TitoVillar
That’s almost 4 asumas tho
(PS: While 100 million ryō might sound like a lot, it's actually not that significant. In the movie Animal Panic on Crescent Moon Island, that chubby prince casually wrote a 1 billion ryō check to buy an entire circus just to entertain his son. So comparatively, 100 million ryō really isn't much.)
Anime & Comics · BaDwY_GaMeR
Though it was a story bout white fang lol
Chat gpt
The Hokage's Decision on Haruto
Naruto Card King
Anime & Comics · RawInk21