well, i mean, when i wrote this chapter, it was a kind of common practice. Even now, it sorta of common practice, but it is an old style warning
(This Chapter Contains scenes Of Nudity Fluff and unnecessary swearing. R18)
Anime & Comics · Ferasight
i think this was when i was in high school, something like that. i started these writing way too long ago to remember, but ya, that seems about right.
"hmm, So these 2 snuck in and proceed to crawl in my bed." He Looks at the 2 peaceful sleeping girls. "how did they get past the defensive barrier?" He looks at the barrier from his Bed not able to get up until they let him "Good why are they so heavy when they have barely anything on."
Anime & Comics · Ferasight
ya that, probably from when i was writing other book you can mix up name quite commonly when your writing multiple dumpster fires.
"So we doing this." "Why not" They Sneak into the Fairly large bed succeeding before Cuddling up to him and Falls asleep. Sig not even waking up to respond to this The next day he tries to sit up only to feel weights on his Arms.
Anime & Comics · Ferasight
flame user that's what it roughly means. Yihwa, Yeon family. The dude that calls people chicks like chicken and try to burn them those character are Hwayeomsa
"What the!" he Gaze at him "not bad Yihwa sensing it "is he a Hwayeomsa user?" Itri replies "kind of if his shinsu leans towards it he'll be a Fire user specializing in hellfire.
Anime & Comics · Ferasight
Krugra is a shinhueh made by itri and sealed in the medallion that merged with Wangnan flesh. because of his odd nature and hellfire, he often called the dark one
"What are you?" His eyes firm as his will Impress Krugra "Shocking, really. Most would lose their minds to merely my eyes."
Anime & Comics · Ferasight
yes, i can see the problem. The grammar is really bad read instead of ready and missing quotations, etc. The usual cause is it caught by me on the third look over, but apparently, a lot keeps slipping through.
Itri and yihwa sprinting towards the area Mazino is with Kang and prince having split from the others, trusting their might as they stand still. Mazino, not allowing them to move in the slightest,
Anime & Comics · Ferasight
yes, I did that to really long walls of paragraph to get at your exact issue, however. The style I used the one you see here is something that appeared standard on at least the fanfiction side of web novels. Though my other reason was a follower with bad dyslexia that got lost constantly in the word walls, I shortened it to match styles i saw used as a standard point of. The sites fanfiction side, though i understand your points
green April Forming within his hand "Ntsuab Ignite." a terror of a presence erupting as blitz form in his other hand the skull blade meshing with the poisonous acid of Ntsuab.
Anime & Comics · Ferasight
I tried that for the first 6 arcs of zeraphim, my first ever book on the site, the results rather blatant distain and outright correction my bigger problem is i forget to describe characters adequately and to use their names when they speak instead using primarily he or she thank you, though
fun fact: their is an effect called bystander syndrome, where even in the event of a critical situation, people will stand idle and watch instead of helping.
"Boy! Move away, do you want to get hurt?! There is no need to play a hero, the police will solve it later!" Someone shouted at me with a masculine voice from the sidelines with a worried tone.
Others · Felix9713
that pretty common even in tog the author skips a lot pf floors so i got nothing much to go off for those floors
"Good, Good" Sig finishes the cigarette dropping it to the ground he stomps on it before all the skeletons throughout the halls Vanish. Love voice comes over the speaker. "All Remaining participants have passed the test." Sig Smiles Lurker Starts to suffocate and so does the short spout the green Glob Having No purpose and getting Forcibly sealed in a crystal sphere. " Well won't you be interesting?" Laughing to himself he gets warped up to the next Test floor being 21. the next test for 20 begins being Rak. the Dumb Crocodile somewhat listens being quick to Submit when Khun Snaps his fingers entering it he kills any and everybody who enters the test zone having some trouble. with 1 big guy. "Good Some Interesting prey." He thrust his twin-headed spear forwards Towards him the big guy dodged it by nearly an inch before Rak Swings the currently out trusted Spear to the sit hitting the guy into a wall. He vanishes having kicked the ground 10 times within a second appearing in front of him and stabbing him with his spear the big guy Mouth opens only for blood to come out Rak withdraw his spear a massive hole in the Guys Chest before looking to his next Opponent not noticing his Spar absorbing the blood that touches its surface and slowly lighting up. "Prey such an EZ hunt."
Tower of God. Faal Rahgol Zhaoga
Anime & Comics · Ferasight