I found this chapter and use of origin flames so moving!
G3, you got all the stats right save for the cliff hanger casualties. Severely underestimated. Severely. Congratulations on your fantastic achievement and may no one suffer permanent head damage from the frequent cliff falls.
Still sounds like a slap in the face though 🤣
"Lith and Solus, instead, can't teach you as well since their knowledge is incomplete. Until they figure their own Creation Magic out and reach a deep understanding, they won't be able to simplify the concepts enough for a neophyte like you to grasp the basics."
Fantasy · Legion20
That’s twice in one day Lith 😤
"Fascinating." She nodded, massaging his shoulders. "So is Yggdrasill wood useless for magical research or is there a trick to it?"
Fantasy · Legion20
Really? Kami already has Solus to contend with. This is disrespectful
Nalrond and Kamila tensed up while Friya laughed her ass off. Hitting on each other when they met was a running inside joke between them.
Fantasy · Legion20
"Really." Lith said, his expression full of confidence. "Even if your best isn't enough, from this moment onward, everything that goes wrong with the Tree is on you. From absolute power comes absolute responsibility so I expect you to deal with any future issue without bothering me."
Fantasy · Legion20
Question for logistics. How is Tyris able to take her powers away?
lol ok Morok part 2
"Sorry!" Aalejah blushed in embarrassment. "It's just that the Camellia is much more famous than you so I mixed you two up."
Fantasy · Legion20
I’m with Solus on this one. That’s a bit much
Lith and Menadion decided to drop the subject. They both could feel that Solus' emotions were running high and there was no point in discussing while she was unwilling to listen.
Fantasy · Legion20
That’s hilarious
An Earth Shaman might engrave the rune of destruction into a mine wall to carve away the rock between themselves and the next vein. A Forgemaster might create the runes in the ash pile of a makeshift forge to bring it up to the needed standard. Or they might place the rune in the foam of cheap tavern ale to increase the liquor content and improve the taste to a tolerable level.]
The First Legendary Beast Master
Fantasy · Aoki_Aku