Hi! sure, I'm curious to see what you have for me. StarWolf Legacystarwolflegacy
thank you for sticking with me dear. And if you see this; I'm happy to announce the story is back up and refreshed!
tysm Leika. It was a real treat to be able to write to wonderful people like you and I can't thank you enough for the outstanding support you've given me and my book. Lots of Love Star <3
tysm in happy you like it! Don't worry a chapter comes out every 7 days. it's as fast as I can go cause school and life has me pretty busy XD
Omg I'm so late to this sorry the app is pretty new to me but TYSM!!! IM so happy you enjoy it!!!
Thank you so much! it really means a lot and I hope you enjoy the book in the meantime 😜😜
hello I didn't get any word back. is everything okay?