

male LV 1

Young and dumb, but with an imagination worth showing. Be sure to read something I wrote if you're at my profile!

2020-07-21 加入 United States
徽章 4

Moments 56
7 months ago

Currently there is only 2 chapters left before you are caught u where I am at in The Writing process. it took me several months to get where I am at but i promise whether I am writing it with my partner or not, I am going to conclude this story. We are rather starting the fourth quarter of the first story and once that is settled, I will begin working on the next section of this journey. So... Please stay tuned!!

8 months ago

This book is heavily inspired by a literature-based role-play me and my current partner had written. It was a very very fun story to write. I hope reading it can be just as fun. Every Character felt real and the universe we made was fascinating. this is not nearly finished yet but I am sure I will want to work on it for a while. overall I think the only downside is that for smut, it takes a while for the erotica to start (at chapter 10) but being here for the story is just as engaging for me. I hope everyone else enjoys it too

9 months ago
Replied to Noah_J_Dean

15 years after Code Veronica, (directly after RE6) Steve awakes in an umbrella Facility that harboured over a dozen refugees, scientists and hired men. With the use of the SimGym (a gym that simmulated events within the past) Steve discovered the viral abilities given to him from the virus. Meanwhile Chris sends out a team to find Steve. they find Steve right when Steve destroyed all evidence of the viruses Wesker had kept. A gun goes off and Steve's first love dies in the tragedy. Steve lost himself as he killed the BSAA member who fired. he and a small group fled as his memories of the island was given back to him. Several weeks go by and steve remained hidden in a small town at the edge of Chille. Meanwhile Chris can no longer rely on his team and chose to hire his mortal enemies child, Jake to find and apprehend Steve, alive. Jake finds the town. thats where we are.

9 months ago
Replied to jeanpierregerardo

15 años después de Code Veronica (directamente después de RE6), Steve se despierta en una instalación general que albergaba a más de una docena de refugiados, científicos y trabajadores contratados. Con el uso de SimGym (un gimnasio que simulaba eventos en el pasado), Steve descubrió las habilidades virales que le dio el virus. Mientras tanto, Chris envía un equipo a buscar a Steve. encuentran a Steve justo cuando Steve destruyó toda la evidencia de los virus que Wesker había guardado. Se dispara un arma y el primer amor de Steve muere en la tragedia. Steve se perdió cuando mató al miembro de BSAA que disparó. él y un pequeño grupo huyeron cuando le devolvieron los recuerdos de la isla. Pasan varias semanas y Steve permanece escondido en un pequeño pueblo en las afueras de Chille. Mientras tanto, Chris ya no puede confiar en su equipo y decidió contratar al hijo de su enemigo mortal, Jake, para encontrar y capturar vivo a Steve. Jake encuentra la ciudad. ahí es donde estamos.

9 months ago

For the record: Yes. I will continue this story, but it will be when I can. I simply do no have the time to publish a chapter every week. I hope you enjoy and embark on the last chapters of Steve's story with me. (I still got plenty of chapters to write, don't worry lol)

2 years ago
Replied to Akisu

the chapter down the road literally show the progression in my literary skills. Not going to proof read the older chapters because i honestly dont have time to now adays

2 years ago
Replied to Akisu

aside from a joke fanfiction, this was the first thing i committed to writing to an ending or conclusion. i appreciate you trying to proof read it, but im not going to change any of it.

After Yumi and James finnished giving exposition, Steve looked pale and had no idea how to properly react.

Resident Evil: Revival

Resident Evil: Revival

Video Games · Noah_J_Dean

2 years ago
Replied to esperomejorar

¿Por qué dejar una reseña si no tienes intención de leerla? estás literalmente juzgando un libro por su portada

3 years ago

Been very busy with life. I have no intentions to stop the story here and I do have a very clear path in storyboarding. That being said, you are as caught up as I am, unfortunately. I'm trying to find time to write here and there while also getting ready to move as well as recording and publishing videos for my youtube channel. As one would expect, my channel comes first for me and I'm trying to maintain a proper uploading schedule and I'm even struggling at that. Thank you so much for being patient with me! I promise this story will be at the very least halfway done by the end of next year!

3 years ago
Replied to God_Of_Laziness

Yumi is a completely original character as well as Clyde, James, Jason, and the team that infiltrates the Umbrella facility. I have preference art for these characters but it's art based on other characters from other stories. I tweaked their designs in the description of how they look in my story. (much like how claire was inspired by Sarah Conner from Terminator 2 but only in looks.)

Yumi, was slightly smaller than him, roughly above 5 feet. She was super cute and it was clear with her voice she grew up in America. She had dark black hair that went down to her shoulders on a ponytail. Even though she's been here for a long time, she oddly looked younger than him. Her caring smile showed confidence and her light brown eyes showed genuine care for Steve. She had one side of her bangs slightly covering her eye. Her constant readjustment with her bangs definitely showed that she wanted to look presentable when Steve had awoken. Steve could not help but smile at how cute she was.

Resident Evil: Revival

Resident Evil: Revival

Video Games · Noah_J_Dean

  • Passionate Fangs original

    Passionate Fangs


    After the Century War between the Vampires and the Elves, The prince of vampires attempts to make peace with the princess of elves. Due to both parents being murdered because of the war, both have to find a humane solution to create peace with their respected people. This novel is an Erotica. Sexual themes and sexual scenes occur frequently within the plot. You must be 18+ to read!

    17 Chs 5 收藏

  • Resident Evil: Revival original

    Resident Evil: Revival



    Fifteen years after the Rockfort island incident, Steve awoke with no memories of the incident and in an Umbrella facility. New friends along with old, face the crisis of their pasts and fight for their future.

    51 Chs 996 收藏

  • Resident Evil: Rekindle original

    Resident Evil: Rekindle


    Continuing after the novel, Resident Evil Revival: After Steve had seen his closest friend murdered, he chooses to regroup in a nearby town at the edge of Chile. Steve Clyde and James now try to survive while being on the run from Chris and the BSAA. Chris hired a certain mercenary who can take Steve in alive before the BSAA could, but will Jake be willing to work with the man who killed his father?

    4 Chs 35 收藏

  • Project Blur!! original

    Project Blur!!

    Video Games COMEDY SONIC

    People of Mobius! Take a journey to the past, to where it all begins. Take a gander, and study the origins of your classic, snarky, one-liner hero. His enemies call him The Blue Blur, That Blasted Hedgehog, The Blue one. Others, who look up to him, love him, help him, take care of him, and/or has been saved by him. Call him by his true name... Sonic The Hedgehog

    8 Chs 26 收藏