works everytime...until it doesn't
Toga looked up expectantly as a broad smiling spread across Kenji's face, "Mindless Consumerism!"
Anime & Comics · Black_Paladyn
Kazuo returned to his own tent which had thankfully survived the fire this time around by some stroke of luck.
Anime & Comics · NarutoAuthor
isn't Kazuo still riddled with lashes from his fight with the first Kid? the one with the sword, I'f I remember correctly he even has a cut across his chest. I would imagine he'd atleast use some bandages for that
Kazuo returned to his own tent which had thankfully survived the fire this time around by some stroke of luck.
Anime & Comics · NarutoAuthor
Holy shit that's a lot for the first quest
Blood echos: 140,363
Book&Literature · Scathach_
Bullshit, what's up with you people? Think of the Fluff! Priscilla is Surpreme
sadly Priscilla didn't win... so the two options are...
Video Games · Scathach_
In the immortal words of her highness :"Fo Shizzle"
It's a diluted form of the Grail Muds, which explains why the cursed magical energy looks as a ghastly, red and dark purple flame rather than the thick sludge that would have engulfed the world if not for Baeber's destruction of the Grail.
Anime & Comics · Huntsman
ah yes the ryomen clan, the only bloodline with the ability to rizz up Kenjaku
Sometimes, he really admired the Jujutsu masters of this world. They often showed Jujutsu talent at a very young age. But the person he admired the most was Yuji's father—the only one who could make Kenjaku scream in bed. Maybe Sukuna could also do that… who knows.
Anime & Comics · Pepe_
yeah but she thinks he doesn't know and he clearly Shows that he is aware that those are Uzumaki techniques
"Thank you, Byakuya-sama! I'll dedicate myself fully to mastering them."
Anime & Comics · OberonLA
I live in Germany and how Heavy enforced it is depends, if you are along the first to get to the person needing help and don't help it's usually enforced but if the person is already being helped you don't have to do anything. But yeah in Germany the State or the person being injured can press charges if you don't attempt to help a person
"As a citizen of the United States, I have the freedom of choice in deciding whether I want to render help to another or not".
Anime & Comics · PcaNovels
But she set it up and he knows it too . tf Is she found out about it supposed to mean?
Every morning started with Mom's perfect breakfast spread and her knowing smile. "Try not to die today, dear." She'd adjusted surprisingly well to finding out about my training.
My Hero Academia: Limitless
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels