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Yes, I do wipe from back to front. Thank you for asking.

2020-07-15 加入 United States
徽章 14

Moments 231
1 years ago
Replied to Potatowned

I appreciate your comments man. I’ve waiting for someone to point out the mistakes that I’ve overlooked. Thank you for reading.

1 years ago
Replied to Kwetzal_Lag

Preciate it man

2 years ago

Hola, Hombres. This is my first original novel, and I worked on it for about eight months before release. There will be mistakes, of that I'm sure. So if you'll be kind enough to point them out, then that would be pretty cash money. This novel is inspired by many other works, but the two biggest ones are "Reborn: Evolving From Nothing" by AuthorWiz, and "The Way Of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson. I'm sure most have at least heard of these books, but if not then I recommend them wholeheartedly. Both works are incredible, and I can only hope to reach a fraction of their greatness. Anyway, enjoy the novel!

2 years ago
Replied to SquirrelFlyTree

Thousands of planets, a thousand years of history, religions, several characters being fleshed out at the same time. Yeah it’s big. Honestly I’m terrified that I’m gonna mess it up. But at the same time I love it too much to stop now. I apologize to you and everyone else that’s been waiting.

2 years ago

It’s easier to follow the ways of another than follow your own ways. If people like that didn’t exist, then there would only be CEOs. For leaders to exist, there have to be followers.

He grinned, driven half-mad by joy and arrogance. However, his jubilation was a little muddied. After all, there was that weird innate ability. Of course, he had no intention of becoming someone's magical slave, with no free will of his own. To hell with that!

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree

2 years ago
Replied to suggestaname

Of course. Days that I don't write are rare. It shouldn't be too long before I start posting again.

Working men drop their tools, businessmen halt their meetings, and dreamers are awoken from their slumber as the terrifying light approaches the earth. Time seems to halt for every single living being, all except for the boy that finds himself the target of the alien beam. Blood leaks from Cage's bloodshot eyes, and he suddenly bolts his vision skyward as fear pulses through his body. What meets his blurry sight is a blob of bright light, however, darkness soon takes over as that beam engulfs his body, and the body of the dying child beside him.

War, Trickery, and Wisdom

War, Trickery, and Wisdom

Video Games · Austin_Harrison

2 years ago
Replied to cheeki_breeki

I’ve been writing man, constantly. My ambitions are proving to be bigger that I thought though. I’m writing an original novel, and it’ll be… massive. I want to be at the top.

2 years ago
Replied to TheSixKid

Its his last name, so that means everyone in his family has his name. The Dillpickle Bloodline, unmatched by any other!

2 years ago
Replied to UrAverageSkeleton

Oh, fancy seeing you here big guy.

2 years ago
Replied to Paladin_Arkon

Yes, it’s irritating to me also that I have to do this. The writers block was not a lie, and To be honest, I already want to continue this story with some ideas I’ve come up with since then. But then I got kicked in the nuts (fired from my job) and now, I gotta figure out how to take care of myself when the money I have saved up runs out. I don’t want money, I need money. Sounds pretty stupid, but I’m gonna need something to show for the hundreds maybe thousands of hours I’ve put into writing. Love you though man, and I understand how you feel. I plan to update this pretty soon though, so I hope you won’t give up on me yet.

  • The Heir To Oblivion original

    The Heir To Oblivion


    Earth is gone. Solid planets, gas planets, and even asteroids floating through space. Everything has vanished without a trace. Everything except the fiery star that once stood in the center. The Sun burns alone in the Milky Way, its bright light shining upon nothing but darkness. However, there is another universe, on a different plane than the Milky Way. The Praesi. A light-weaved tree with an incomprehensible size, thousands of planets hanging from its branches. On each of these planets resides different races, their bodies different colors, shapes, and sizes. And on some of them, bloodthirsty beasts lurk, on a constant hunt for their next meal. Through strange and unknown circumstances, a single human has survived the destruction of the earth. A spindly teen on the cusp of adulthood, Cage. Everything has been taken from Cage, his home, his life. His family. For a long, long time, Cage was alone in a realm of darkness, his only company being his tumbling thoughts. He could not move, see, or even scream. And just when the ideas of letting go and drifting away into Oblivion seemed to overpower all the others inside Cage's mind, a voice spoke to him. The voice, the first he had heard in far too long a time, gave Cage hope—a reason to go on. Then without warning, the man is thrust into existence, landing in a universe unknown to him. The Praesi. Cage has a purpose, something to find in the long and curving branches of this new universe, and nothing will stop him. Not the ruthless armies or the savage beasts that stand between him and his family.  Even if they could stop him, Cage will not kneel in fear. No. After all, nothing can be more terrifying than that darkness. --- The first two chapters do not contain the MC, however, they do set up the universe and are very important to the overall story. I recommend everyone read them, as I believe they will increase the enjoyment of the novel. --- I do not own the cover photo. If the owner wishes for it to be changed, then it will be done.

    77 Chs 77 收藏

  • War, Trickery, and Wisdom original

    War, Trickery, and Wisdom



    The super short version: God of War -> Danmachi It’s cold, colder than usual. Midgard is plagued with the precursor to Ragnorok, the decimation of all nine realms: Fimbulwinter. Set off by the death of a certain Norse god, the lake of nine is beginning to freeze over, and blizzards are becoming a daily occurrence. Though a certain trio of gods has more pressing matters to concern themselves with. Kratos, the murderer of the previously mentioned Norse god and a god of a different pantheon himself, travels with his son, Atreus, another god that may just be a more important god than the rest, and Mimir, a Celtic Faerie a long way from home and blessed with more knowledge than he knows what to do with. The father and son duo have just completed their long journey to Jotunheim, the realm of the giants. After such a perilous journey across Midgard and almost every other realm, they find themselves missing home, at least the grumpy old father does. And so, they travel to their home, a small shack hidden away in the cold forest. All seems well, until a certain man shows up, interrupting their rest time before it even begins. A battle commences… A ferocious battle between two of the strongest men any pantheon has ever encountered… Who knew a battle could throw one into another dimension? Maybe we should ask a certain giant snake about that… Support me here: Patreon/austincage

    45 Chs 3.2k 收藏

  • Sparda's Children in DxD original

    Sparda's Children in DxD


    Long ago, the human world and Demon world were at war. That is, until a powerful demon came along named Sparda. After defeating the ruler of the underworld, Mundus, Sparda used the perfect amulet with the temen-ni-gru tower to seperate the demon world from the human world. Sparda disappeared for some years before reappearing and falling in love with a human woman, disappearing once again shortly after. The human woman birthed two twin sons; Dante and Vergil. After being separated as children, Vergil and Dante meet again after the former summoned the same Temen-ni-gru that his father used to seal off the demon world. Vergil is assisted by a human man but is later betrayed by the same man just before he completes his objective. The human man opens the gate to the demon world and is followed by both Vergil and Dante shortly after. The man obtains Spardas sword and the demons power along with it. This power is quickly overwhelmed by Vergil and Dante. Unable to agree with each other, the twin brothers decide to end their rivalry with one last battle... Things do not go as planned and the twins are forced to travel to another world filled with devils, angels, and fallen. (I work 12 hour shifts during the week, so I cannot promise a consistent upload schedule.) I do not own the book cover. If the owner of the image wants it taken down, it will be done.

    5 Chs 144 收藏