Why send your one chance at a blacksmith out on a hard trial to possibly die makes no sense
"We will consider your offer," he said. "But be warned – the road ahead is fraught with danger. Many have come before you with grand promises and impressive skills. But few have survived the trials that we have set before them."
Fantasy · AkshatArpit
"That guy... He really doesn't think before he acts." One of the three oldest Holy Priests, the Holy Priest of Wind stood on his balcony, looking in the distance.
Fantasy · Demonic_angel
Should that mean that if they figured out that when they find sweeper that they know they going in right direction?
“Hmm, maybe I should make this a regular practice… Sweeper can be like a rear-guard of sorts - or at least an early warning system for when it dies...” he smiled, giving his arm a good scratch as it had been itching since he came closer to the desert.
Fantasy · Aero182
Good work keep it up! I can see you improve which shows that you are desicated and hard working. So keep pushing and great job😉.
Do your zombies have reduction in there abilities when they are turned into Zombies or do they stAy the same or do they acctually increase in power? (Too lazy to change pictuation back to norm.)
You spelled reflect wrong, now you go sit in the corner. 😂
Dave immediately bonked him on the head, "You don't know trouble when you see it? Open your eyes, that's Nicholas, the Undeath God, your creator, and the reason you're able to battle long after your death."
Games · Biako
Did you read the passage
They already did rush into things :)
"Neither do I," he said, reaching out to take her hand. "I want to be with you, Selena. More than anything. But let's not rush into things after all; we barely know each other."
The Rise Of A Shadowsmith
Fantasy · AkshatArpit