Possible fic with the guy?
Horny bastards
I don't know why but the first girl always get shafted
I don't think I want a very glaring weakness
"Look, I know it sounds bad but believe me, it's not. The advantages far outweigh the opposite." Seeing that she got Chamber's attention, Serafall knew that the teen in front of her seemed to be interested more in the advantages so she started with that.
Anime & Comics · SlimeSage
Eh, I don't particularly like the turning to devil part
Bruh. That's literally everyone's weakness unless you have regeneration at the level of growing your head back
"Nope. It's called the Reverse Cursed Technique!" I motioned to my healed body, then pointed at my head with a crazed smile. "You should have chopped my head off or broken me down. Now, you're going to lose, Chisaki."
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
Haaa, you put too much development on the Toga arc so this happened. I'm not exactly mad but just disappointed
2. No, keep it as a single pairing with just Hatsume.
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
Bruh, you need to get high
Find it... find it. Find the core of cursed energy.
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
Morally? No. Personally? Yes.
But after everything was said and done, I found myself having second thoughts on whether or not I did the right thing.
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
I swear you have to register first
"Mother today is UA's entrance exam, I'll be attending it, Bye!"
Ascendant Across Realities.
Anime & Comics · nkcthereaper