Then how did his house elf bring him as his godfather to the potter manor
He couldn't take him too soon though, as he would then run into the problem of getting out of Hogwarts with the rat. House elves were exempt from the Hogwarts wards and could apparate through them freely, but they couldn't take passengers through them.
Book&Literature · Perseus_Blackfyre
Are you trying to hit me with this cause you’re doing a great job at this
Harrold's only companions were his books. He felt alive when he was reading. He learnt of joy, loss, sadness, sorrow, anger, and love from his books. It was so easy to lose himself in a book, to give himself to the illusion of life, and yet forget to live. It was easier, and less painful, to lose himself in a fantasy instead of facing the fact that he had lived an empty life. In many ways, just because something was fake, it didn't make it any less true, any less beautiful and powerful.
Book&Literature · BookReaderBoy
Some said they had been attacked; others said they had met Snape on a night out and had both of their legs broken by him; even more outrageous, others said they had been on a sneaky date in the middle of the night and had ended up exerting themselves too much...
Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
Harry, who was also a little scared, held up his invisibility cloak, his body pressed against Ron's, his eyes casting over to look around, searching for a way deeper into the forbidden forest.
Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
Yea Dumbles was a professor before he became a headmaster
A student died at Hogwarts as a result, and the previous Headmaster, Armando Dippet, resigned as a result.
Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
I feel like the original author is bashing Harry and Ron… Ron I get but Harry he just needs someone smart to help him learn some spells and be independent
Harry thought for a moment and finally nodded.
Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
Who might have guessed the identity of the person who was laughing? Put all your guesses below.
Anime & Comics · prof_Nuclear
Your punishment for showing us this… YOU FREAK!!!!!
" Okay , okay . You got me , it's not chicken meat . But it's bird meat ! I got it from the window . " Jake quickly added when he saw Finn's expression grow increasingly pale but quickly return to normal . ' Pheeww ' He breathed out in relief and thought ' Crisis averted '
Anime & Comics · prof_Nuclear
I thought he already did this?
The last stop of the day was Gringotts, the wizarding bank. Hagrid led Harry to a small cart that zoomed through underground tunnels, eventually arriving at a vault deep within the bank. Harry was astonished to see piles of gold Galleons, silver Sickles, and bronze Knuts – the wizarding currency.
Harry Potter: No More Holding Back
Book&Literature · BookReaderBoy