*"I'll have to..."
I'll have to wrangle you up the hard way then. Now, I'll try not to be too rou-Hm..?" Akeno prepared to floor Kiba when she sensed something. A connection between the two of them.
Anime & Comics · Saeko_Kaburagi
Overcome with various emotions, he despaired. Knowing those who he knew bedore were lost, the process of becoming a Hollow was started. It took years but eventually, he could not hold on any longer.
Anime & Comics · Saeko_Kaburagi
The half-dead king, a mere immortal skeleton pointed at Bam, the boy prophesied for greatness and proclaimed, "He is the true hero. His heart is pure and untained with malice. He is the one we seek. Why should we take the time to indulge in your wishes when clearly you are filled with such malevolence?"
Others · Yesnth
5. The Sovereign
Anime & Comics · Saeko_Kaburagi
"As expected, they're quite sad. But I sxpected nothing less from someone like Summer Rose." Death replied, watching Cinder closely.
Anime & Comics · Saeko_Kaburagi
How do Lucoa's horns look now?
The last sentence needs a space between 'fate' and 'However'.
She asked silently, not expecting any answers, yet she still asked. Seeing the clusters of reddish-white horns sprouting from the majority of the baby's body, pity was all she felt for the child, having been delegated such a cruel fate.However, the worst was yet to come.
Video Games · BenDoverTerrarian
...as he* recalled...
He had expected them to arrive sooner or later, but he never expected them to get so far so fast. As far as her recalled, by the 12th century, the originals should still be playing European nobles and head into Italy.
TV · TheDeath_Angel
...use the tiny* link...
With his Visionary powers, he had managed to use the tint link his body still held with the soul to forge a bond with the Body of Heart and Mind; making the man exist in a state of lethargic awareness. He wasn't able to do much beside eat and sleep, but it was enough to go by.
Others · Yesnth
Touko is Merlin from 7DS.
After some experimentation (which involved Touko throwing a tantrum), they discovered that while soul materialization allowed for free transformation, there was an initial form tied to the moment Touko achieved the Third Magic. Whenever Touko fell asleep or lost consciousness, she would automatically revert to her loli state. This secretly relieved Aoko.
Aozaki Aoko Case File
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode