"Look, kid, here's the thing. It's Ben Grimm for some time now, but it's fantastic now that we have four new lines of product that'll make your woman turn invisible when you take them on a night out. In other words, these drugs are pretty fire.
TV · TaRon_Powell
On one hand, he took almost nothing seriously, was very prone to causing property damage, she could probably count the number of brain cells he had on one hand, he was very prone to making puns that ticked Vaggie off to no end, he generally tried to get on everyone's nerves, and recently he started to make this weird hand sign whenever something minorly inconvenienced him and yelled something about "Raga the opp-stoppa."
TV · TaRon_Powell
He flinched away from them at first before slightly poking them until he fully embraced them in his 4 arms. I walked to the door, yet right before I went out, I heard Angel Dust mutter under his breath. "Damn weirdo…" I looked behind me and saw him grabbing one of the rabbits tighter, trying to relax, but I could see his muscles tightening, his instincts still on one hundred. "Stop doing all this shit and just skip to the end already." He said it very quietly, his voice shaking as he said, almost sounding as if he was on the brink of tears. I bit my lip in frustration and gently closed the door, leaving Angel in room 69.
TV · TaRon_Powell
Billie Jean, smooth criminal, beat it
(Gun to ya head, name me 3 Michael Jackson songs off the top of your head that aren't on the Bad or Thriller albums.)
TV · TaRon_Powell
Ain’t she like 4 feet
But enough about cursed energy for the day; I already wrote it 12 times now. I really want to talk about Nifty… I really like Nifty; seriously, I feel like a sucker in love, but dammit, she's made me happier than I've been in a long time while being everything I want in a woman. Fat ass, great personality that bounces off of mine, all the while being super cute. Hell, about 3 days ago she fussed about me wearing my coat since it's getting "too cold"; it was like we were an old married couple.
TV · TaRon_Powell
I've only gotten started on fully making veils, barriers that block out audio and visual stimuli by making my cursed energy obscure the senses of anyone who gazes upon it without cursed energy. I tested it once, successfully making one around myself in the living room and scaring Vaggie… who unceremoniously beat me like an addict after taking away their vape for 4 minutes and 11 seconds.
TV · TaRon_Powell
(Gun to ya head, name me 1 anime character you would smash until your dick (or vagina) falls off, but they gotta be above the age of 25 and below the ages of 64. Me personally, Granny Seiko is getting fucked in every single way I know how.)
TV · TaRon_Powell
'Deadass?' Dante looked deadpanned at the kid.
Anime & Comics · Rikud0u
I feel like jujitsu would be better than most at least for mc
Anime & Comics · Rikud0u