Can’t you write the English meaning to ? Like vraiment (really) …
Vraiment, I don't think it would kill them a second time to take a shower.
Sci-fi · Devilbesideyou666
Didn’t she break the bond ? I am confused
People’s opinion matters
Well, she learned this from Rose. If there was something useful from Zuri encountered with her that must be she learned that people's opinion was mattered. The way people perceived you was important.
Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
Are you happy to see me
"Do you happy to see me again? Or was I interrupting your meeting?" Zuri's voice dripped with sarcasm. She couldn't help it, she couldn't reign on her jealousy, or whatever uncomfortable feeling that gnawed in her heart.
Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
She was or felt…
"You are being comfortable and you thought we are friend," Khaos enunciated every word calmly, which only told the beta the amount of anger that the alpha was holding back right now, he was trembling. Since he knew his mistake, he messed up a big time. "You are a disappointment."
Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
"Who are they?" Zuri finally asked, entertained her.
Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
Do you … when you use this (present) or Did you … when you used this (past)
"Do you know that you will destroy yourself when you used this?" Zuri didn't immediately give the opium to Lyra, because she wanted to have a conversation with her when she was sober enough to answer a few of her question.
Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
Who kills him
"I will be the one, who killed him," Zuri declared, she closed her eyes and focused on Khaos's strong heartbeat.
Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep
What’s meant with „givin me second“ ?
"Vraiment," agreed Ronan, looking the shorter woman up and down for a second with a twisted smile on his face. "You's be givin' me second 'and embarrassment. Might wanna step up that train' yous always talkin' about."
Be Careful What You Wish For: A Zombie Apocalypse
Sci-fi · Devilbesideyou666