Mas capitalismo!
"Think of it like Walmart meets ninja magic," Kami said. "You'll trade reales, the local pirate cash, for jutsus, weapons, whatever. No freebies. No AI assistant. Capitalism at its finest."
Video Games · Kulark
Técnicamente debería haber Ambu, también en la zona.
From the corner of his eye, Kotetsu noticed a figure slipping through the trees, moving stealthily toward the village's edge. It was too quick and too deliberate to be a regular villager out for a late-night stroll. Kotetsu's instincts kicked in, and he subtly nudged Izumo. "Hey, you see that? "Izumo followed his gaze, frowning. "Yeah, I do. You think it's another one of those operatives?"Kotetsu didn't wait for a reply. "Let's follow him. "The two of them moved quietly, shadows blending with the night as they trailed the figure.
Anime & Comics · BarryAnime
Creo que no. Porque vivir una larga vida. No es igual a la inmortalidad.
Yet, after reaching the age of 200, his body inevitably began to decline.
Video Games · LegendaryTL
Son super humanos, Su resistencia es absurda XD
"Excellent." Kyi's spirits lifted, and he issued his orders in a deep voice. "Everyone, increase your speed and prepare for battle!"
Video Games · LegendaryTL
Depende de la araña.
Now, contrary to what Spider-man would have people believe, spiders didn't launch webbing. In fact, there wasn't even a biological mechanism to force webbing out of their bodies. Instead, they relied on gravity and the weight of their own bodies to pull it from the spinnerets.
Movies · Darkest_Sage
En gran line, No importa. Literalmente la mitad de los piratas poderosos se la pasan viajando con un log pose y un barquito. :V
"No need. One navigator is plenty, especially someone as capable as you. I can't imagine anyone outperforming you in this role."
Anime & Comics · IamGarus
Prefiero a Lubu la verdad.
A/N: The next simulation will be from Lubu's era or the Three Kingdom's history of China, but I will skip this arc and proceed on the Sengoku period with Miyamoto Musashi and Oda Nobunaga.
Anime & Comics · Abyssuit
Aquí hay un solo problema JAJAJA Porque el se dejo regañar !? si en primer lugar el no quería ser el jefe del clan. Simplemente di que eso no es tu responsabilidad. :V aparte ya mostrarte lo mal que esta el mundo con Hiruzen. no hace falta cosas como esta, la verdad. XD
'It was risky, sure. But even if I was wrong, Fugaku won't do anything to me, and I know I can explain everything to Itachi. Even if he doesn't agree with me, he won't be angry.'
Anime & Comics · GodWithWings
"Born poor. Stay poor unless you hustle." Kami smirked. "Good luck."
System in Assassin's Creed
Video Games · Kulark