there can only be one
And that is how our sperm protagonist becomes a fetus.
Book&Literature · ImmortalCockroach
more like a snail
Moving on to explore his limits, Dominic tried to fly, staying aloft with telekinesis and propelling himself forward he started slow before moving and increasing his speed. He discovered he could move at incredible speeds, zooming through the canyon. 'This feels amazing!' he thought, relishing the sensation of flight. He calculated the force and speed, estimating he was moving at around 500 mph. 'I'm like a human jet!'
Anime & Comics · Fredozy
no the author has it completely right [img=faceslap]
Azmodeus didn't even know how to quantify the surprise he felt after watching her gloomy mood do a complete 360.
Eastern · Astral_Pandemonium
na they Play with themself
na they Play with themself
Not the biggest fan of the Show aint he
Is it wrong that I was a fan of his show? I question as the blond man sips his martini while both of us stand over what seems like the source wall from DC, to which he merely smiles and says, "Welcome to my humble multiverse stranger, and to what reason are you here exactly?" My blood runs cold as I answer him with complete honesty: "I have no idea. I was just going to sleep, and now I am here."
Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1
"Because the extremes of things must be reversed, and the negative poles must be positive," Jack said cryptically. "I am the Templar who wants to bring sunshine back to this world."
Movies · The_Book_Addict
An Aftican-American man who only goes by the name Romeo.
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
(′`)(ω`) w(Д)w(||Д) →_→←_←
Anime & Comics · INIT
sad i would call this story the beginning arc is in an Report style, what i mean is... it isnt writen as a story more a listing of events (u can bunch alot of Info it, but just mehhh) ....... and the second is better writen, but the again just Mc on a Power Trip u could say his is motiv are sound.... BUT in the most uninteristing way possible what i ultimately wanted to say i got bored to read it, i couldnt find any suspense PS if u couldnt tell english isnt my first Language
Reincarnation in DxD with wishes
Anime & Comics · emir_adar