
LV 11
2019-04-18 加入 United States
徽章 4

Moments 4
3 years ago

Yugi has the ability to print the cards he Needs if thats not broken i don’t know what is.

Jaden had proven it was possible to bond with them in regards to Yubel and Honest. Their powers stacked on top of his abilities as the Supreme King had made him individually far more powerful than even Yugi and Atem. What if he could bond with duel spirits as well? He'd get awesome powers, it made him salivate a bit just to think of it.

Stacking The Deck (Yugioh GX Insert)

Stacking The Deck (Yugioh GX Insert)

Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0

3 years ago
Replied to VoidCrosser

Might be his hidden power is dark type

"I promise I will explain everything to you after this is taken care of. But for now, I can tell you you are special" said Professor Oak. "Because you are Dark"

Pokemon - Alex Burns

Pokemon - Alex Burns

Anime & Comics · RK9

3 years ago


Dennis heaved a bit of a sigh, "very well, we will get one with the best talent we can find. Like I said it shouldn't take as long as we expected to acquire but be prepared to put a lot of effort into it". Robert couldn't help feeling excited hearing that it would be so easy to acquire. He expected it to be easier than most Pokémon to get due to how common it was, he didn't expect it to be in so low demand. Now he was looking forward to this junior league, there was no such thing in the anime or games so he couldn't help feeling excited thinking about it.

Pokémon are scary

Pokémon are scary

Video Games · DoctorDraco

4 years ago

Interesting concept to make a book on

The police captain and his subordinate will walk the ends of the Earth to find the trails of the legendary Truck-kun.

Life as Goku

Life as Goku

Anime & Comics · PostLost