
male LV 14

I’m pretty boring, all things considered.

2019-04-06 加入 United States
徽章 8

Moments 6
3 years ago
Replied to NikTitanik866

You are a real king among men, and I hope you let no one tell you otherwise.

Wasteland valley was, 100 years ago, a former city that could almost be par on par with the capital of Leitol, with the protection of their god, their lands were fertile, and their men were strong, however, everything change went their god died in the last war, from them the city deteriorate, the fertile land became infertile and their powerful army became a group of weak men. One year ago, wasteland valley lost his status as a city because they couldn't pay their tributes, so they lost the protection of the monarchy, this city was the at the north, at the border with the Jubial forest, they not only suffer from the extreme weather there but also have to defend themselves from the beast of Jubial forest that attack the city in certain periods of time, the last lord of this land died in the last attack.

The supreme sovereign system

The supreme sovereign system

War · phamtonbullet

3 years ago
Replied to Ihatethisite

Yeah idk. Big gun should work just fine.

3 years ago
Replied to Ihatethisite

If I had to offer an explaination, it would be that the wooden sword was made of wood that came from a tree that was warped by the magic of the world. But thatis a stretch. A big enough gun should do the job.

3 years ago

Arkansas and Kansas or Kansas and Arkansas?

"Well, ALICE, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore…"

The Raud Vargr (HIATUS)

The Raud Vargr (HIATUS)

Fantasy · Alpha_Medic

4 years ago
Replied to BOIII

I think a better explaination would be that those in charge or nuclear warheads decided against nuclear holocaust as that would cause more damage than the monsters. Idk about traditional explasives tho, those should still work fine

4 years ago

Is that COMMUNISM I see?

Eye System

Eye System

Fantasy · Adam_A