what hypocrite mother she is, I say bitch mother [img=proud]
After hearing her son's answer, Idan's mother finally relaxed. At that time, she missed her husband. Her husband was a pillar of support for everyone, he could take everything into his own hands, and perhaps her son would not have become the way he is now.
Fantasy · Ongoing_Expert
"Don't forget about me!"
Fantasy · Lukname
fck u
Momoi noticed the glances and felt a blush rising to her cheeks, her eyes anxious as she watched Shiro closely. "Shiro…" she whispered softly, her tone laced with worry.
Anime & Comics · MeHudy
mooshii musshiiii
<Say hi or hello here so I can get a sense of how many of you are enjoying the story, even when you encounter character designs that might not be your favorite!>
Anime & Comics · Emik01
really mate? bitch mother
Supreme Husband System! & Supreme Wife System!
Fantasy · Ongoing_Expert