
LV 3

As of late I’ve been coming up with a lot of story ideas. Though I always wanted to make these stories into comics I decided that doing novels would be better considering my art is mediocre at best.

2018-12-29 加入 United States
徽章 3

  • Everyone’s Still Awake original

    Everyone’s Still Awake


    This story had no structure beforehand and is just whatever I decide to write. So don’t expect it to make perfect sense all the time.

    6 Chs 2 收藏

  • That Nice Greed original

    That Nice Greed


    After two demons decide to run away from hell they bump into a user of greyscale magic. This story follows their journey and shows how bad things can sometimes be better than the good things. Their first goal is a simple one; they want to understand the intent the goddess of greed had when inventing greyscale magic.

    2 Chs 2 收藏