This is why Eda decided to bite the bullet and move into the Leaky Cauldron without telling anyone. If it hadn't been for old Tom meddling, Eda figured she probably wouldn't have been discovered until right before the start of term.
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The air around her grew heavy. The very atmosphere seemed to distort.
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The sound of an explosion echoed as the base wall was destroyed. Kara walked calmly through the debris as if there had never been a wall in her way.
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Following leisurely behind Tony Stark, Lemu adopted a relaxed gait, one arm folded across his chest, the other propping up his chin. For a slime, he looked remarkably smug.
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"Well… it's a bit bigger on the inside," Kyle replied, holding up his pinky with a playful grin.
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The Goblin wasn't sure when Alan appeared in front of him, his hand poised in a slicing motion. In the next second, he saw his world split into two.
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"Don't panic—I'm here," William assured everyone, and under his steady command, the group fell silent, eyes fixed on him.
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Though Shin didn't fully understand why this ancient tarantula species could breathe fire, he was prepared. Opening his mouth wide, he created a powerful suction, absorbing the flames into himself. His body became enshrouded in intense heat, and he hurtled towards Black Maria like a fireball.
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"Y-You hit me! How dare you?! Not even my father has ever dared to hit me!" Helmeppo said, holding his face. "I am His Lordship, the son of Captain Morgan! I'll tell my father!"
In One Piece with Gacha System
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