
male LV 5

The wild beast

2018-11-23 加入 Italy
徽章 5

Moments 4
3 years ago

I think our concept of waifu is very different... and in theory, according to what you wrote, with pregnancy the cultivation level should go down, I don't think I'll go back to reading this novel but I wish you good luck.

3 years ago

Theoretically Wind should be smart and cunning, on the contrary instead he continues to help strangers from whom he will not gain anything such as the guards of the building of the blyn state and characters who could potentially become annoying and / or dangerous like Su Dai, Hei, the father of Mina. and above all the Plant King (which in my opinion should be killed as soon as possible).

3 years ago

I apologize if I might sound repetitive but I can't understand how Xiao after reuniting with Wind, with whom she spent almost 20 years of her life, the first thing she does is not hug him to show him his affection but on the contrary hugs Qiang who in comparison is an abomination born in about a day and which Xiao cannot have created an emotional bond even remotely equal to that of the mc (in my opinion the same goes for the Plant King). P.s. thanks for the chapter and I'm glad wind earned the second waifu
